This module for dracut allows 2FA on LUKS during boot. It doesn't use YubiKey and it doesn't require any special media. All you need is a second LUKS volume. Obviously the latter should be on a removable device (e.g. a SD card) and it should be kept secure to nullify password recorder or shoulder surfer attacks and subsequent clone/steal of the target device/computer.
However this module, like YubiKey, doesn't protect you from physical attack. About this, another layer is needed (for info: Anyway, in case of emergency, it's easier to destroy the SD card than the drive on your motherboard...
A target LUKS volume will be opened when the user provides a password for another LUKS volume on which there is a key for the first volume. So the user provides "something that has" (e.g. an SD card) and "something that knows" (i.e. the password to unlock the SD card volume).
The relation between the target volume and the keyfile volume is specified with a kernel cmdline parameter:
These parameters will be translated by the systemd generator into a systemd.service.
Clone this repo:
$ git clone
You can check commit's signatures using my key: from or from
Install, a new initramfs will be created with dracut -fv
# make install
Then you need to configure your LUKS volumes add your rd.luks.2fa
to the kernel cmdline through the bootloader file. For example /etc/default/grub
if you use GRUB.
A new initramfs will be created with dracut -fv
# make clean
If you want use SD you should add the mmc_block
drivers to the initramfs. You can achieve it with the addition of: add_drivers+=" mmc_block "
to /etc/dracut.conf.d/luks-2fa.conf