The following instructions will setup an OpenShift OCP 3.3 environment on Google Cloud compliant with the following reference architecture.
attention: this is all deprecated now.
updated to 3.6 service catalog does not seem to install so it's disabled you can now choose to install gluster with the following variable GLUSTER=yes
Clone this project
git clone
cd openshift-enablement-exam
Create a new google cloud project.
Install the command line tool.
Initialize and authenticate in gcloud.
In order to run this provisioning script you will need to be able to run 34vCPU, 3 global static IP addresses, and 10 in-use IP addresses in the US central region. You may need to increase your resource quota.
Enable your project to use the compute api by visiting the compute engine menu item (there is probably a better way to do it).
Set your google project configuration
export GCLOUD_PROJECT=<your project>
set your dns zone (es: The name of the zone should be the same name of your google project.
your master will be available at
and the routes will have the form *
you need to externally configure your domain to point to google cloud dns. More explanations [here] (
export DNS_DOMAIN=<your domain>
Set you RHN account credentials.
export RHN_USERNAME=rhn-gps-rspazzol
export RHN_PASSWORD=xxx
define which key you want to use, this key must be available to the following ssh commands
export SSH_PUB_KEY=<the ssh pub key you want to use> #usually $HOME/.ssh/
Set the RHEL pool you want to use:
export RHN_SUB_POOL=8a85f9843e3d687a013e3ddd471a083e
I recommend having a script that sets up all your variables:
export GCLOUD_PROJECT=openshift-enablement-exam2
export RHN_USERNAME=rhn-gps-rspazzol
export SSH_PUB_KEY=$HOME/.ssh/
export RHN_SUB_POOL=8a85f9843e3d687a013e3ddd471a083e
If you are courageous you can just run:
but at least the first time, I recommend following the below scripts.
Another option is to deploy using google cloud deployment (a declarative way of creating resources).
This is still a work in progress. Cd to cloud-deployment
and run:
Provisioning Gluster CNS
if you desire to provision Gluster CNS export the following variable
export GLUSTER=yes
This will create an addtional disk of 200GB in each of the nodes and deploy Gluster CNS there.
Run the provisioning script.
This will take some time.
I've switched to preemptible instances and preemptible instances don't always start when provisioned (a bug?). Go to your google console and make sure all the instances are stared.
Run the prepare bastion script.
Shell in the bastion host
ssh -o SendEnv=RHN_USERNAME -o SendEnv=RHN_PASSWORD -o SendEnv=DNS_DOMAIN -o SendEnv=RHN_SUB_POOL -o SendEnv=GLUSTER `gcloud compute addresses list | grep ose-bastion | awk '{print $3}'`
Run the prepare cluster script
cd openshift-enablement-exam
Run the ansible playbook
ansible-playbook -v -i hosts /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml
The admin/admin user is created by the installer. You still have to give it permissions, for example (from one of the masters):
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
If you need to add more users, from the bastion host run the following
ansible 'masters' -i hosts -b -m shell -a "htpasswd -b /etc/origin/master/htpasswd <username> <password>"
To clean up your Google Cloud project type the following:
This may take some time.