*** Goal ***
This project aims to solve the ongoing issue of the difficulty in understanding frame data in the video game Street Fighter V (SFV)
by using an interactive GUI that presents the necessary information in a user-friendly manner.
*** Setup ***
To use the SFV Frame Data Visualizer interface, you will need to download all files in the repository.
Make sure all files are located in the same folder. Then, execute main.py
*** Navigation ***
To maximize the interface's use, ensure you follow the steps below.
- You will need to first choose your character and the opponent's character from the dropdown menus.
- To find the properties of a given move, find and click the notation of the move in the moveset listbox.
- Adjust your character's frame advantage accordingly using the slider at the top of the interface.
- Press the respective buttons to calculate the subset of your opponents moves that your selected move wins against, trades with, or loses to, sorted ascendingly in order of startup frames.
- For more immersion, you can modify the sort method from heap sort[default: O(nlogn)] to insertion sort[O(n^2)]
by changing the true/false values of the respective boolean variables in the first few lines of
*** Additional Resources ***
Check out these videos for a more in-depth explanation on Street Fighter fundamentals and frame data:
- General Beginner's Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of_cSjA_KXY
- Frame Data Explained: https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Frame_Data
- Neutral Game and Strategies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCZ2gB9gB4M
- General Combo Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUW56Qk9nek
All data comes from the following resource: https://fullmeter.com/fatonline/
Check out my YouTube video explaining the TEKKEN 7 version of the tool: https://youtu.be/gzzWb-8H6vg