Based on official Gentoo stage3 of amd64-nomultilib-systemd-mergedusr plus hardened profile.
- All binaries are optimized for your CPU microarchitecture. Currently x86-64-v2 and x86-64-v3 are supported.
- Globally compiled with
lto, pgo, graphite
USE flags for utmost performance. - Added essential utilities (i.e. tree, git, jq, htop, tmux, bash-completion..etc) in base image. Here is full list of added packages.
- Keyword updated to ~amd64 offering latest, greatest and stable packages from Gentoo repos.
- Automated deployment and testing methods resuting in faster image updates
- All images are tagged with semantic versioning and base image's version (i.e. 2024.02.20)
- Most images are compatible with official images of that project (e.g. gento-redis)
- Save storage and bandwidth by less frequent base image updates (changes on toolchain upgrades which is like >3 months)
- Recompiled whole official stage3 with
to make sure every package is optimized. - Well organized skeleton (boiler-plate) directory structure for /etc/portage
- How do I know which microarchitecture my CPU has?
- Running
/lib*/* --help | grep -i supported
will show all supported microarchs by your CPU. If that doesn't work trycurl -sL | bash -s - --verbose