A repo to store a bunch of useful solutions using docker
|--- 1. Nginx Cookies
|--- 2. Git Private Repo
|--- 3. Nginx + Flask
An example of a working nginx server, serving content from an upstream python webserver.
- Testing whether cookies set in response and request headers are being passed through.
This repo is based on an answer i provided on SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51497325/pull-private-git-repo-in-docker-container/51580779#51580779
This allows you to automatically instantiate a private remote git repo into a container using the SSH (private key) method.
The following bash variables should be set:
# Email to configure for local container git env
export GIT_EMAIL=""
# User name to configure for local container git env
export GIT_USER=""
# Git clone URL for private repository
export GIT_URL=""
# User ID of user to launch container as
export USER_ID=""
An example docker-run command would be:
docker run \
-itd \
-e "HOME_DIR=/home/$USER_ID" \
-v /home/$USER_ID/.ssh/id_rsa:/home/$USER_ID/.ssh/id_rsa:ro \
-v entrypoint.sh:/home/$USER_ID/entrypoint.sh \
--user $USER_ID \
<container ID>
A simple nginx and flask server demo with redis