- Implementation of Binary Search Tree,
- Implementation of Bounded-size Stack,
- Implementation of BST Map (like a TreeMap) on top of BST class, and
- Solution to the 3 problems using TreeMap/ TreeSet.
- September 30, 2018
- January 09, 2019
Problem 1. Implement binary search trees. Starter code: BinarySearchTree.java.
Solution: BinarySearchTree.java
Problem 2. Additional tasks on BST: Implement a bounded-sized stack using arrays with the operations push, pop, and isEmpty. Use it to implement iterator(), without copying the elements into another data structure like array or list.
The problem can be solved using just O(h) extra space for stack of ancestors, where h is the height of the tree.
In the iterator's constructor, find the height of the tree and allocate an array of size h for the stack.
Implement floor(), ceiling(), predecessor() and successor() methods also.
Solution: BinarySearchTree.java
Problem 3. Implement BSTMap (like a TreeMap), on top of BST class. Starter code: BSTMap.java
Solution: BSTMap.java
The following problems should be solved using TreeMap/TreeSet and other data structures in the Java library. Do not use hashing (HashMap/HashSet).
Problem 4. Given an array A of integers, and an integer X, find how many pairs of elements of A sum to X:
static int howMany(int[] A, int X) { // RT = O(nlogn).
// How many indexes i,j (with i != j) are there with A[i] + A[j] = X?
// A is not sorted, and may contain duplicate elements
// If A = {3,3,4,5,3,5} then howMany(A,8) returns 6
Solution: HowMany.java
Problem 5. Given an array A, return an array B that has those elements of A that occur exactly once, in the same order in which they appear in A:
static<T extends Comparable<? super T>> T[] exactlyOnce(T[] A) {
// RT = O(nlogn).
// Ex: A = {6,3,4,5,3,5}. exactlyOnce(A) returns {6,4}
Solution: ExactlyOnce.java
Problem 6. Given an array A of integers, find the length of a longest streak of consecutive integers that occur in A (not necessarily contiguously):
static int longestStreak(int[] A) { // RT = O(nlogn).
// Ex: A = {1,7,9,4,1,7,4,8,7,1}. longestStreak(A) return 3,
// corresponding to the streak {7,8,9} of consecutive integers
// that occur somewhere in A.
Solution: LongestStreak.java