Open JDK 11
Micronaut Web Framework
Postgres database
Liquibase migration library
Testcontainers for database integration test
Install JDK:
$brew cask install adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk11
Setup JAVA_HOME: Follow these steps.
Select Gradle JVM Version 11.08
- Install postgres(optional), docker
- Run the command :
docker compose up -d
- First time this takes time to download the docker image and get the postgresql up.
- Navigate back to rood of project :
cd ..
- Build:
./gradlew clean build
- Build with lint:
./gradlew clean buildWithLint
- Apply norm changes: Run
./gradlew norm
- Run application:
./gradlew run
. App would run onhttp://localhost:9000
- Test application using
- Test application using
- Run application in watch mode:
./gradlew run -t
- This will restart the server on code changes