Welcome to our Music Genre Classifier and Recommendation System! This versatile tool utilizes machine learning to not only classify music genres based on various audio features but also recommend similar songs tailored to your preferences. Upload your audio file and discover its genre, as well as receive personalized recommendations based on your favorite tunes!
- GTZAN Dataset
- Spotify Dataset(Manually Extracted)
- Accurately classifies audio genres.
- Recommends Music on giving audio name
Name | Year | Branch |
Salla Kaushik (B22EE058) | Sophomore | EE |
Aditya Trivedi (B22CS055) | Sophomore | CSE |
Abhijan Thaja (B22AI025) | Sophomore | AI |
Rahul Reddy (B22CS041) | Sophomore | CSE |
Sri Ganesh (B22CS054) | Sophomore | CSE |
Karan Reddy (B22AI023) | Sophomore | AI |
Shubham Kumar (B22EE064) | Sophomore | EE |
cd App
- train the model and save it
python recommender.py
- ssing the recommnder model
python Cli.py --recommend <song_name> --n <no_of_components>
- train the model and save it
python classifier.py
- using the classifier model
python Cli.py --classify <path_to_song>