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Logstash Codec - Avro Schema Registry


This plugin is used to serialize Logstash events as Avro datums, as well as deserializing Avro datums into Logstash events.

Decode/encode Avro records as Logstash events using the associated Avro schema from a Confluent schema registry. (


logstash-plugin install logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry

Decoding (input)

When this codec is used to decode the input, you may pass the following options:

  • endpoint - always required.

  • username - optional.

  • password - optional.

  • tag_on_failure - tag events with _avroparsefailure when decode fails

  • decorate_events - will add Avro schema metadata to the event.

    "@metadata" => {
      "avro" => {
        "name" => "schema",
        "namespace" => "namespace",
        "type" => "record",
        "schema_id" => 1799

If the input stream is binary encoded, you should use the ByteArrayDeserializer in the Kafka input config.

Encoding (output)

This codec uses the Confluent schema registry to register a schema and encode the data in Avro using schema_id lookups.

When this codec is used to encode, you may pass the following options:

  • endpoint - always required.
  • username - optional.
  • password - optional.
  • schema_id - when provided, no other options are required.
  • subject_name - required when there is no schema_id.
  • schema_version - when provided, the schema will be looked up in the registry.
  • schema_uri - when provided, JSON schema is loaded from URL or file.
  • schema_string - required when there is no schema_id, schema_version or schema_uri
  • check_compatibility - will check schema compatibility before encoding.
  • register_schema - will register the JSON schema if it does not exist.
  • binary_encoded - will output the encoded event as a ByteArray. Requires the ByteArraySerializer to be set in the Kafka output config.
  • base64_encoded - will output the encoded event as a base64 string.
  • client_certificate - Client TLS certificate for mutual TLS
  • client_key - Client TLS key for mutual TLS
  • ca_certificate - CA Certificate
  • verify_mode - SSL Verify modes. Valid options are verify_none, verify_peer, verify_client_once , and verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert. Default is verify_peer


Basic usage with Kafka input and output.

input {
  kafka {
    codec => avro_schema_registry {
      endpoint => ""
      decorate_events => true
    value_deserializer_class => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArrayDeserializer"
filter {
output {
  kafka {
    codec => avro_schema_registry {
      endpoint => ""
      subject_name => "my_kafka_subject_name"
      schema_uri => "/app/my_kafka_subject.avsc"
      register_schema => true
    value_serializer => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"

Using signed certificate for registry authentication

output {
  kafka {
    codec => avro_schema_registry {
      endpoint => ""
      schema_id => 47
      client_key          => "./client.key"
      client_certificate  => "./client.crt"
      ca_certificate      => "./ca.pem"
      verify_mode         => "verify_peer"
    value_serializer => "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"

Building the plug-in

  • Install JRuby

  • Set environment variables: JRUBY_HOME and PATH=%JRUBY_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

  • Build the plug-in:

    gem install bundler
    bundle install
    bundle exec rspec
    gem build logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry.gemspec
  • Publish the plug-in to Github

    echo ":github: Bearer GH_TOKEN" >> C:\users\rahul\.gem\credentials
    gem push --key github --host logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry-1.2.3.gem
  • Install the plug-in

    .\bin\logstash-plugin install logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry-1.2.3.gem
  • Prepare offline pack:

    .\bin\logstash-plugin update
    .\bin\logstash-plugin prepare-offline-pack --output --overwrite logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry
  • Release a new version in Github and upload the .gem & .zip files.


A logstash codec plugin for decoding and encoding Avro records









  • Ruby 95.7%
  • Dockerfile 4.3%