I created this little project to support myself in inserting data into databases, but when i see potential for serial generating i realise, that it's a nice idea to impove it into nice and elegant program for serial, fast generating.
My ideas to add soon:
- Add support for huge files, that cannot be load for memory at once
- Go into CSV standard
- Remove need to select output file, instead add select directory and name option,
so there will be no need to prepare empty file
- Simple connection for SQLite and MySQL databases, so you can easly execute all querries at once
Actual Instruction:
- Create CSV file with your data, and modify it by:
- Adding your separation sign in first line at the beginning and at the end
- Adding '!END' at the end of your file (in new line)
- Create output file (WARNING: data from ths file will be ereased)
- When you're ready, select both files and now you can type querry.
- If u need short instruction click HELP. Here i will provide some examples on data:
Ex.: INSERT INTO users VALUES(::0);
Res.: INSERT INTO users VALUES('1', 'kris', 'smith', 'Poland', '123456789', 'M');
Ex.: INSERT INTO clients VALUES('::2', '::3', ::5);
Res.: INSERT INTO clients VALUES('kris', 'smith', 123456789);
Warning: If you have more than 9 rows, the format for replace gonna change:
::<NUMBER> -> ::x<NUMBER>
So for data like:
Ex.: INSERT INTO products VALUES(::1, '::2', ::5, ::x10, ::x11);
Res.: INSERT INTO products VALUES(12, 'something', 0, 1, 1);
- When template is finished you can click example, and program will generate how your querry
will look like for first row (of data).
- After you make sure everythnk is done, just click generate.
- Now you have your querries ready.
If u have any troubles or ideas what can i add into this miniProject mail me:
with Title:
[GitHub] SQLSerialGenerator
so my email filter can filter it from SPAM to another directory :)