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Shipping methods

Valentin Ballestrino edited this page May 18, 2017 · 7 revisions

To handle shipping fees in your app, there are existing shippings methods with associated calculators, but you can also create your own easily.

Existing calculators

Creating your own

rails g stall:shipping:calculator my_shipping_calculator

Create a Stall::Shipping::Calculator subclass in your app's lib/ folder, which must define two methods : #available? and #price.

class MyShippingCalculator < Stall::Shipping::Calculator
  def available?
    if cart.shipping_address['FR', 'GB'])

  def price
    cart.total_price > 100 ? 0 : 10

Note : Inside the class you have access to the current cart, and the config property which is the Stall::ShippingMethod model instance.

The add it in the stall initializer :

# If the class is not in your app's autoload_paths, require it
require 'my_shipping_calculator'

Stall.configure do |config|
  config.shipping.register_calculator :my_shipping_calculator, 'MyShippingCalculator'

Restart your server and you should be able to access the shipping method.

Loading prices from a CSV file

Stall comes from an abstract calculator class that handles a specific CSV format to store shipping fees depending on total order weight (rows) and target country (columns).

The CSV should contain comma separated ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country codes (as provided by the country_select gem for example) in each top-row cells and max order weight in the first column cells.

The CSV will look like the following :

1 5 10
2 10 20
5 15 30
10 30 40
100 40 100

Your calculator should subclass Stall::Shipping::CountryWeightTableCaclulator and implement at least the #load_data method returning a string with a CSV contents. The calculator will parse the CSV with ruby's standard csv lib.

class MyCSVCalculator < Stall::Shipping::CountryWeightTableCaclulator
  def load_data'vendor/shipping_prices.csv'))

Any country that is not in the list will not be available for this shipping method.