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pepkin88 edited this page Dec 31, 2015 · 25 revisions

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Ramda vs. LiveScript

Ramda functions and corresponding LiveScript idioms and syntax.

Most are used as predicates for filter or with map.

Ramda LiveScript
not (not)
nth(0) (.0)
prop('name') (.name)
add(1) (+ 1)
add(__, '!') (+ '!')
gt(__, 2) (> 2)
contains(__, xs) (in xs)
pipe(length, gt(__, 2)) (.length > 2)
isNil (~= null)
complement(isNil) (?)
match(/foo/) (is /foo/)
replace('a', '') (- 'a')
join(',') (* ',')
split(',') (/ ',')
to-upper (.to-upper-case!)
compose(g, f) g << f or g . f
pipe(f, g) f >> g
bind(console.log, console) console~log
range(1, 6) [1 til 6] or [1 to 5]
merge(a, b) a <<< b[1]

1: Not same but reasonably close

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