Small proxy service to allow running graphite-web locally with a GrafanaCloud hostedMetrics service as a backend
$ graphite-web-proxy -h
Usage of graphite-web-proxy:
-addr string
host:port to listen on. (default "")
log to standard error as well as files
-api-key string api key (default "xxxxxx")
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir string
If non-empty, write log files in this directory
log to standard error instead of files
-stderrthreshold value
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-tsdb-url string
gateway address of hosted-metrics service. (default "")
-v value
log level for V logs
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
- download the proxy.
go get
- run the proxy
graphite-web-proxy -logtostderr -tsdb-url https://<your HostedMetrics url> -api-key < API KEY>
- update your graphite-web installation to use the proxy as a CLUSTER_SERVERS (this is defined in graphite file) If you dont have graphite-web running, you can use docker
docker run -p 8080:80 -e GRAPHITE_CLUSTER_SERVERS=<localIP>:8181 raintank/graphite-mt