⚡️ In recent times, everyone wants to stay updated regarding a variety of information in all sorts of domains. Nowadays, Twitter is being extensively used by users to explore what's happening around the world and share their thoughts on the same. Particularly, topics such as movies, songs trend on Twitter regularly. ⚡️ This Web application will provide the users the comfort of not scrolling the whole twitter feed page to find out the general perception of the other users and critics about the movies or songs that they would want to watch or listen to in the future. The application will provide real time analysis of tweets.
Clone this repository
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd TweetAnalysis
$ python manage.py runserver
Go to localhost:8000
⚡️ The latest songs and movies will be fetched from Spotify and TMDB. ⚡️ Sentiment analysis of the feed visually represented in data studio. ⚡️ Trending movies and songs will be emailed to the user specified email id for their record so that the user can play or watch the movies or songs in their free time.
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Prerak Raja | Varad Bhogayata | Aayush Shah |
github.com/rajaprerak |
github.com/varadbhogayata |
github.com/aayuvraj |