- Tensorflow == 1.9.0
- joblib == 0.13.2
- run_model.py: This file has all the flags needed for training, it chooses the data module, models and starts training.
- utils.py: Utilities module containing DataGenerators, Parallel model etc.
- DataGenerator: Creates batches for vanilla NSE.
- DataGeneratorHier: Creates batches for hierarchical NSE.
- Memory: All the files below contain a variant of NSE.
- NSE: This is a neural semantic encoder class.
- HierNSE: This is the hier-NSE class.
- models: All the files below contain an encoder, decoder, loss, optimizer functions that use an NSE.
- model.py: Model using vanilla NSE.
- model_hier.py: Model using hier-NSE (use this).
- model_hier_sc.py: Self-Critic model (use this). It carefully back-propagates through the same multinomial samples that are sampled while forward pass.
- rouge: Rouge scripts used.
- rouge_batch: A NumPy implementation (faster than existing ones). Used outside the TensorFlow graph.
- Data
python run_model.py --model="hier" --mode="train" --PathToCheckpoint=/path/to/checkpoint --PathToTB=/path/to/tensorboard/logs
Check the epoch number of the best supervised model from TensorBoard, let it be X
python run_model.py --model="hier" --mode="test" --PathToCheckpoint=/path/to/checkpoint/model_epochX --PathToResults=/path/to/results
python run_model.py --model="hier" --mode="eval" --PathToResults=/path/to/results
First copy the best supervised model to the rl checkpoint.
python run_model.py --model="rlhier" --mode="train" --restore=True --PathToCheckpoint=/path/to/checkpoint --PathToTB=/path/to/tensorboard/logs
Check the epoch number of the best supervised model from TensorBoard, let it be X.
python run_model.py --model="rlhier" --mode="train" --restore=True --PathToCheckpoint=/path/to/checkpoint/model_epochX --PathToResults=/path/to/results
python run_model.py --model="rlhier" --mode="eval" --PathToResults=/path/to/results