OTP graphql service written in go lang with gqlgen go library
- sendOTP(input: sendOTP!): Status!
- verifyOTP(input: verifyOTP!): Status!
- addOtpType(input: addOtpType!): Status!
- removeOtpType(input: removeOtpType!): Status!
- getOtpType: [OtpType]!
**Thing we can do *** Add otp type
- remove otp type
- get all otp type
- send otp
- verify otp
ToDO Adding email and sms sending layer
Boot go run server.go open http://localhost:3001/
note: make sure redis is running in your local machine
Examples :
mutation{ addOtpType(input:{otpLength:6,keyPrefix:"pop-otp",otp_validity_minutes:10,retry_limit:3, resent_limit:5 ,mobile_message: "Your OTP to complete your mobile verification on CaratLane is {{otp}}. It will be valid for the next {{validity}} mins. Please do not share your OTP with anyone.",retry_lock_minutes:30,resend_lock_minutes:5,otpType:"pop"}){ status message other_message } }
mutation{ sendOTP(input:{channel:"8123456789",otp_type:"pop"}){ status message } }
mutation { verifyOTP(input:{otp:"434497",otp_type:"pop",channel:"8123456789"}) { status message } }
{ getOtpType{ otpType keyPrefix retry_limit resent_limit mobile_message retry_lock_minutes resend_lock_minutes
} }