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About - Memeology 🌟

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A memes app for all the memes lovers. This app shows memes from Reddit, and has the capability of saving the memes. The project implements modern Android best practices for the development like Retrofit, Kotlin Coroutines, ViewModel, Repository Pattern, RoomDB, etc.

Made With - Android Powered by - Kotlin Release Version

App Icon 📷


Project Banner 📷

Project Thumbnail

Screenshots 📷

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3
Splash Screen Random Meme Screen Discover Meme Screen
Discover Meme Screen - No Internet Discover Meme Screen - No results found Favourites Screen
Favourites Screen - Meme Selected Splash Screen - Night Mode Random Meme Screen - Night Mode
Discover Meme Screen - Night Mode Favourites Screen - Night Mode web-L.jpg
web-L2.jpg web-D1.jpg web-D2.jpg

Download APK 📂

APK for the project can be found here

Dependencies Used 💻

Image Loading - Glide Caching - ROOM Network - Retrofit2 Dependency Injection - Hilt Material UI

Special Thanks 💖

D3vd for providing a free API that allows access to various memes related data. Their API was instrumental in retrieving the necessary information for this project.

Author 🧑

Rajit Deb

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