I love Gin. cuz it's too simple, I think a lot of ppls wonders what some libraries should be used. I'm not specialist but tried to make some which are working as productions. I'd like to make this repo to explain how to make website with my experiences for beginners.
This repo has some branches. would like to keep some branches simple to explain.
- master => active repo with all stuff.
- 01_hello => almost pure gin with assets/glide.
- 02_gzip
- 03_templates => using ezgintemplate, it's supporting switching layouts.
- 04_flash => sample of flash messages with templates.
- 05_csrf => supporting csrf, with flash/templates.
- 06_oauth => google oauth sample for admin pages.
- 07_login => login/logout sample, using gorm (db library), with csrf/templates/flash.
- 08_cors => cors/JWT sample for APIs.
- 09_json => parse json data and showing.
- 10_docker => docker sample with alpine. and docker-compose sample. json/Unmarshall.
- 11_cache => using memcached for json. json/Marshall.
- 12_deploy => deply sample to ElasticBeanstalk with CircleCI.
You can install Go by Go official website or homebrew. You might want to manage some Go versions by gvm. It's up to you.
If you'd like to put repository on
you should setup GOPATH in .zshrc ( or .profile or .bashrc ) as below.
The path is very important in terms of importing libraries.
Some must wonder how to manage versioning. Some Go libraries are very fast, so Go support versioning. Go loads
- vendor firstly, then
- GOPATH etcetc..
This mean, if you want to use specific versions of libraries, you can put the libraries under vender dir.
But I think it's not enough to manage versions. I strongly recommend you to use some managers, like glide.
you should install glide firstly. You can install by
curl https://glide.sh/get | sh
brew install glide
Please check the official repo of glide. ref: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide
All branches have glide.yaml, so you might need to do
glide up
Then, you can download specific versions under vendor dir.
However, the repo includes vendor dir. so you might not need to glide up
If you want to add more libraries, you can just do
glide get LIBRARY
instead of
go get LIBRARY
I'm using ATOM editor with go-plus.
Go is compile language but you can use it as LL as follow.
go run *.go
You still need to re-run after rewrite your code.
To avoid re-run, you can use fresh. It enable you to live-reloading.
To install fresh, you can do
go get github.com/pilu/fresh
brew install mysql
please install docker. ref: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/
It's just Hello Gin
. please have a look at the branch (hello).
& log.Printf
are useful. and adding below, you can see line where you show the log.
func init() {
func main() {
router := gin.Default()
router.Static("/assets", "./assets")
router.StaticFile("/favicon.ico", "./assets/favicon.ico")
router.StaticFile("/robots.txt", "./assets/robots.txt")
router.GET("/", controllers.AppIndex)
package controllers
import "gopkg.in/gin-gonic/gin.v1"
//AppIndex ...
func AppIndex(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(200, "hello gin")
you can just use fresh
, then you can access http://localhost:3000/
you should import "github.com/gin-contrib/gzip"
in main.go, then,
You can check size of http://localhost:3000/assets/css/bootstrap/4.0.0-alpha.6/css/bootstrap.min.css
import "html/template"
and "github.com/rakd/gin_sample/app/libs/ezgintemplate"
is originally https://github.com/michelloworld/ez-gin-template, customized by kaz. I wanted to switch layout for AMP/Admin/regular pages.
under app/views, you should prepare some directories/templates as follwoing.
- layouts/
- admin.tmpl
- base.tmpl
- amp.tmpl
- partials
- nav.tmpl
- errors
- 404.tmpl
- app ( one of controllers )
- index.tmpl
- app/controllers/common.go and edit
- app/controllers/app.go
now, there is no authentication for admin. it's just sample to switch layout.
- app/controllers/admin.go
you can see
- http://localhost:3000/admin/ with admin layout.
- app/views/app/index_amp.tmpl
then you can see AMP page on http://localhost:3000/?amp=1
My ezgintemplate regard XXX_amp.tmp as tempalte for AMP.
- app/views/about/index.tmpl
- app/views/hoge/index.tmpl
- app/views/search/index.tmpl
there are no controllers for above template. but you can see,
If no template, you can see 404 error.
// session
store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("secret1233"))
router.Use(sessions.Sessions("mysession", store))
// setFlash
data["flash_error"] = GetFlashError(c)
data["flash_warning"] = GetFlashWarning(c)
data["flash_info"] = GetFlashInfo(c)
data["flash_success"] = GetFlashSuccess(c)
const flashKeyInfo = "flash_key_info"
const flashKeyError = "flash_key_Error"
const flashKeyWarning = "flash_key_warning"
const flashKeySuccess = "flash_key_Success"
// SetFlashInfo ...
func SetFlashInfo(c *gin.Context, msg string) error {
return setFlash(c, msg, flashKeyInfo)
// GetFlashInfo ...
func GetFlashInfo(c *gin.Context) string {
return getFlash(c, flashKeyInfo)
// SetFlashWarning ...
func SetFlashWarning(c *gin.Context, msg string) error {
return setFlash(c, msg, flashKeyWarning)
// GetFlashWarning ...
func GetFlashWarning(c *gin.Context) string {
return getFlash(c, flashKeyWarning)
// SetFlashError ...
func SetFlashError(c *gin.Context, msg string) error {
return setFlash(c, msg, flashKeyError)
// GetFlashError ...
func GetFlashError(c *gin.Context) string {
return getFlash(c, flashKeyError)
// SetFlashSuccess ...
func SetFlashSuccess(c *gin.Context, msg string) error {
return setFlash(c, msg, flashKeySuccess)
// GetFlashSuccess ...
func GetFlashSuccess(c *gin.Context) string {
return getFlash(c, flashKeySuccess)
func setFlash(c *gin.Context, msg, key string) error {
session := sessions.Default(c)
if msg == "" {
return nil
session.Set(key, msg)
return nil
func getFlash(c *gin.Context, key string) string {
session := sessions.Default(c)
obj := session.Get(key)
if msg, ok := obj.(string); ok {
return msg
return ""
- app/views/partials/flash.tmpl
{{ template "partials/flash" . }}
access http://localhost:3000/flash, then you will be redirect to / with the message.
add import like this.
import "github.com/justinas/nosurf"
and add this.
func csrfFailHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", nosurf.Reason(r))
then, Replace router.Run(":3000")
csrf := nosurf.New(router)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", csrf)
in common.go, you should add import,
import "github.com/justinas/nosurf"
and add below in RenderTemplate
data["csrf_token"] = nosurf.Token(c.Request)
{{if .csrf_token}}<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{.csrf_token}}" />{{end}}
I've prepared login controllers and views, you can try to acccess/POST on http://localhost:3000/login
You need to get OAUTH clientID & secret on console.cloud.google.com, and set env in .zshrc ( or .bashrc or .profile ).
After access above URL, you can create projects. API Manager => Credentials => Create Credentials => Oauth Client ID => Web Application
helps you to create client ID and secret.
On the setting, you should add callback URls as Authorized redirect URIs
. Please add http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback
for test.
When users access admin pages, we should check cookies whether it has google email address.
If it doesn't not have it, users should be redirected to google login page.
I've prepared the middleware in app/middlewares/admin_google_oauth.go
To use the middleware, you need to amend main.go a little.
import "github.com/rakd/gin_sample/app/middlewares"
It accepts only email addresses what you write in admin_google_oauth.go, so you need to add your email address.
After user's login on google login page, users will be redirected to our callback page with OAUTH code. We should check the code on callback page.
For the google login page and callback, I've prepared app/controllers/auth_google.go
you can try to access http://localhost:3000/admin
If you installed mysql-server by homebrew, you can launch mysql server like this.
mysql.server start
I've prepared app/models/user.go
for User models.
There are some libraries to access database(mysql). Actually, you might want to use simple mysql library without ORM. (https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql). I have no objection, I know some love it cuz simple and fast. But I'm using gorm as ORM. There is no big reason to use it, it's just coz my comfortable, especially for migrations.
I've preapred app/models/common.go
to connect mysql.s
To use mysql specifically, you need to write below in main.go
import _ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"
You may realize it's including _
before the path. This mean the code loads init logic of the library, even though not using the library in main.go. the init logic tells you are using mysql dialect in gorm.
To show login status, I've amended templates.
you can try to login on http://localhost:3000/login
Some must want to use JWT/cors for APIs.
You need to check JWT when users access APIs. there are some exceptions, for example, it's login.
Before login, users should not need JWT. app/middleware/api_auth.go
which I've prepared doesn't check /api/login
You might want to add more exceptions, please try to add some if you want.
checks authentication as POST (JSON format), it returns JWT when the credential is correct.
checks JWT to show user information.
curl -X POST -v -d "{\"email\": \"rakd0930@gmail.com\", \"password\":\"rakdrakd\"}" localhost:3000/api/signup
{"message":"signup ok, please login","status":"ok"}
curl -X POST -v -d "{\"email\": \"rakd0930@gmail.com\", \"password\":\"rakdrakd\"}" localhost:3000/api/login
{"data":{"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MiwiZW1haWwiOiJyYWtkMDkzMEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IiIsInRva2VuIjoiMjAzZmIzZTY5MzFkNGNkOWE3NjMxM2U0ZjAzNWExYzYiLCJ2ZXJpZnkiOmZhbHNlfQ.x0KMAdiumaL8T3V8b6s_ZM8EEaxHtLo0H53VKBJ50ig"},"message":"login ok","status":"ok"}
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MiwiZW1haWwiOiJyYWtkMDkzMEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IiIsInRva2VuIjoiMjAzZmIzZTY5MzFkNGNkOWE3NjMxM2U0ZjAzNWExYzYiLCJ2ZXJpZnkiOmZhbHNlfQ.x0KMAdiumaL8T3V8b6s_ZM8EEaxHtLo0H53VKBJ50ig" localhost:3000/api/v1/me
We are using alpine linux, it's small and simple. You will be able to understand the size is very comfortable when deploying.
With the Dockerfile, you can build image as follows.
docker build
Go supports cross-compile, this mean you can make linux binary on MacOS.
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -tags netgo -a -v -o main *.go
It's pain in the neck to type every time you want to make it, so I'm using Makefile. We can use it for docker build as well.
With Makefile, you can build linux binary as follow.
make go
For docker image, like this.
make docker
below command enable you to check docker-images. you will be able to see docker images whcih you build.
docker images
you may see gin-sample image on the list.
you can run the docker image as follow.
docker run -p 3000:80 gin-sample
however, the image uses mysql,,, so you will see mysql errors...
To use mysql, you may setup envs for mysql or, use docker-compose.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
You need to set the environment vars on CircleCI.
If you want to deploy from your local, you should set the envs on your local as well.
you need to set some environment vars