EndPoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/integration/admin/token
Method : POST
Content-Type : application/json
Body json:-
This token will be used for the further steps while creating order through api.
EndPoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/
Method : POST
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {TOKEN}
It will return a alphanumeric string, which is the cart id, this will be used to add/update/delete items form the cart.
Endpoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/items
i.e. http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/4522ebc7d219rre415a8ad1eewr22f73b55/items
Method : POST
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {TOKEN}
Body json:
{ "cartItem": { "quote_id": "4522ebc7d219rre415a8ad1eewr22f73b55", "sku": "Item SKU", "qty": 1 } }
To update shopping item use the following request in body json on the same endpoint as above :-
{ "cartItem": { "quote_id": "4522ebc7d219rre415a8ad1eewr22f73b55", "item_id": 1139, "sku": "Item SKU", "qty": 2 } }
EndPoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/items/{itemId}
As seen above the cart Id and ItemId, it should be looks like the following
Method : DELETE
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {TOKEN}
Response : true
EndPoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/{CartId}
Method : GET
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {TOKEN}
EndPoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/shipping-information
Method : POST
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {TOKEN}
Body json :-
{ "addressInformation": { "shippingAddress": { "country_id": "US", "street": [ "Street Address" ], "company": "Company", "telephone": "2313131312", "postcode": "", "city": "California", "firstname": "john", "lastname": "harrison", "email": "guestuser@gmail.com", "sameAsBilling": 1 }, "billingAddress": { "country_id": "US", "street": [ "Street Address" ], "company":"Company", "telephone": "2313131312", "postcode": "", "city": "California", "firstname": "john", "lastname": "harrison", "email": "guestuser@gmail.com" }, "shipping_method_code": "flatrate", "shipping_carrier_code": "flatrate" } }
Note :- Here flatrate is the shipping method code, you can change whatever shipping method you are using for your store.
It will return the payment methods available with entire cart information.
Response :- { "payment_methods": [ { "code": "checkmo", "title": "Check / Money Order" } ], "totals": { "grand_total": 40.5, "base_grand_total": 40.5, "subtotal": 40, "base_subtotal": 40, "discount_amount": 0, "base_discount_amount": 0, "subtotal_with_discount": 40, "base_subtotal_with_discount": 40, "shipping_amount": 0.5, "base_shipping_amount": 0.5, "shipping_discount_amount": 0, "base_shipping_discount_amount": 0, "tax_amount": 0, "base_tax_amount": 0, "weee_tax_applied_amount": null, "shipping_tax_amount": 0, "base_shipping_tax_amount": 0, "subtotal_incl_tax": 40, "shipping_incl_tax": 0.5, "base_shipping_incl_tax": 0.5, "base_currency_code": "USD", "quote_currency_code": "USD", "items_qty": 2, "items": [ { "item_id": 14437, "price": 10, "base_price": 10, "qty": 2, "row_total": 40, "base_row_total": 40, "row_total_with_discount": 0, "tax_amount": 0, "base_tax_amount": 0, "tax_percent": 0, "discount_amount": 0, "base_discount_amount": 0, "discount_percent": 0, "price_incl_tax": 10, "base_price_incl_tax": 10, "row_total_incl_tax": 40, "base_row_total_incl_tax": 40, "options": "[]", "weee_tax_applied_amount": null, "weee_tax_applied": null, "name": "Baby Bag" } ], "total_segments": [ { "code": "subtotal", "title": "Subtotal", "value": 40 }, { "code": "flatrate", "title": "Flat Rate", "value": 0.5 }, { "code": "tax", "title": "Tax", "value": 0, "extension_attributes": { "tax_grandtotal_details": [] } }, { "code": "grand_total", "title": "Grand Total", "value": 40.5, "area": "footer" } ] } }
EndPoint : http://magento.host/index.php/rest/V1/guest-carts/{cartId}/order
Method : PUT
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {TOKEN}
Body json:-
{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "checkmo" } }
It will return the order id some thing like 227.
Now you can check the order has been created in the admin.