Feeds is a django app built from channels (django channels) with easy integration of realtime feed or announcements. It is useful for small pop realtime feed or announcement or use in notifications.
- Django 3.0 up
- Python 3.5 up
- Redis Server
- channels-redis 2.4.2 up
- channels 2.4.0 up
Add "feeds" and "channels" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'channels', 'feeds', ]
Create a routing.py at project directory::
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter import feeds.routing application = ProtocolTypeRouter({ # Empty for now (http->django views is added by default) 'websocket': AuthMiddlewareStack( URLRouter( feeds.routing.websocket_urlpatterns ) ), })```
python manage.py migrate
to create the polls models. -
Start the development server and visit