Simple Socialy is a demo on building social network using nodeJS.
- For sign up minimum field required - firstname,lastname,email,password,username,profilepic
- For login - email and password
- Logged in user can update their firstname,lastname, password and profilepic
- Following section - The users who are all followed by will come under this section.
- Followers section - The users who are all following will come under this section.
- logged in user can create a post.
- The post consists of heading,description,image and created by.
- After creation it will appear in a seperate newsfeed wall with all the details.
- Every user will have a newsfeed wall, and will list down
- The posts created by the user by himself.
- The posts created by the users whom they are following.
- User who are viewing it can "like" and "comment" the newsfeed.
Simple Social uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [ReactJS] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- [VS Code] - awesome web-based text editor
- [markdown-it] - Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.
- [Twitter Bootstrap] - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- [Express] - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
- [WebPack] - the bundle service for frontend
I have followed a well known statergy "pull-concept" to implement newsfeed. To know more on pull-concept, have a look at the below link.
Simple Social requires Node.js v4+ to run. Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd backend
$ npm install
$ node app
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the webpack-dev-server.
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start
You can find the API documentation in the below link,
- Third party static file mnanagement using s3, cloudnary, etc for more effecient caching static files.
- Index DB like Elasticsearch to be added for accuracy in newsfeed.
- Implementing Redis or relavent cache cloud for fast throughput and low latency.
- Implement any MQTT or to provide more realtime update about the feed activities.
- Code cleaning and improvements.