Instructions to Setup Development Environments for various Programming Languages (C, C++, Python, NodeJS, etc.) on Windows 10, Mac and Linux
- $ is default prompt for regular user and is always there on Mac and Ubuntu Bash Terminal
- you don't type it as a part of command
- # on bash command is comment ignored by the Bash Terminal
- you don't need to type # and rest of the comment as a part of command
- any command that starts with sudo keyword requires superuser/admin priviledge and prompts for your password
- < ... > - is a place holder that must be replaced (including the angular brackets) with the actual content in place
If you're running Windows, follow the instructions in this README in Windows folder.
If you're running Mac, follow the instructions in this README in Mac folder.
If you want to install Ubuntu virtual machine as a VM in Virtual Box, follow the instructions here
If you're running Ubuntu Linux, follow the instructions in this README
- follow the instructions on Git/
- follow the instructions on VSCode/
- read the Google doc here
- quick reference and showcase here
- students should strive to organize their repository with uptodate README file
- see a sample repo here
- In Depth Linux Bash Commands and Scripts
- Quick Reference pdf here
- Online IDE -
- Online IDE and debugger -