Simple and Powerfull Utility for Docker
Introductory blog post -
The snail is © under Deamworks Animation movie Turbo.It is used for non-profit & non-commercial representation purposes only.
Turbo is a simple and easy to use utility that can be used over a docker ready enviorment.Its main purpose is to simplify the use of docker,in a simple and useful manner.It is a useful combination of a variety of different tools used to manage docker containers.
- Supports multiple 3rd party tools
- Built to be used as Binary file
- Contains several advanced features for docker
Tested for the above specifications.Results may vary accordingly.
(Note that the code uses the relatively new Go vendoring, so building requires Go 1.6 or later, or you must export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 when building with Go 1.5.)
Turbo uses some 3rd party tools for giving the best perfomance to the docker users.Some of these are
Note: These are third party installtions and works only when you use there specific commands.They are not dependencies.
Checkout releases for proper installation instructions.
$ curl -L | tar zx
$ cd turbov0.2
$ chmod +x turbo
$ sudo mv turbo /usr/local/bin
$ turbo
Simple and Powerfull utility for Docker
Turbo [command]
Available Commands:
backup backups all your docker stuff
clean Cleans up all your docker images
destroy Erases off all the exited containers
harbor installs and configures vmware harbor
kickstart restarts all your containers quickly
kube Installs and configure minikube for your system
ldap Uses to install and configure Openldap
log Uses logspout to collect your docker logs
monitor To monitor your containers
proxy Installs and configure squid3 proxy for your system
refresh Completely removes and re-installs docker
replica To create Replicas of your containers
rkt Installs and configures rkt
search Search images from multiple registries
ship Transfer your docker images over a remote i.p.
version prints the current version number of turbo
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.turbo.yaml)
-h, --help help for Turbo
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "Turbo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Not in Aphabetical Order
- Backup - Backups all your stuff so that you can have a copy in case anything goes wrong.
- Clean - Wipes of all your docker images from your system.
- Destroy - Kills all of your exited containers.
- Kickstart - Restarts all your containers
- Log - Installs and configures logspout on your system
- Monitor
- Refresh - Removes Docker ecosystem and Installs a new one
- Replica
- Rkt - Installs and configures rkt on your system
- Search - Searches Docker registry hub, for your images
- Ship - Ships off all your Docker Stuff to remote <I.P>
- Version - Displays Turbo version
- kube - Installs and Configures Minikube on your system
- Harbor - Installs and configures Harbor on your system
- Proxy - Installs and configures squid proxy on your system
- Ldap - Installs and configures Openldap on your system
More to come
Contributions can be made easily by making PR's and opening issues on the github repo. Thank you to all the contributors for your awesome contributions !