A NSSpellServer that forwards requests to LanguageTool for grammar checking
This is a quick-and-dirty hack to use LanguageTool as a spell/grammar server on Mac OS X.
To use it, build the project, download LanguageTool and run it as a local HTTP service at port 8081.
To run LanguageTool:
java -cp languagetool-server.jar org.languagetool.server.HTTPServer --port 8081
To create and install the service:
Download the project.
Do a ``pod install'' to install dependencies (you need cocoapods).
Open LanguageToolServer.xcworkspace (Not the xcproject).
In the project LanguageToolApp-Info.plist, edit the service and add or remove the desired languages (as iso codes)
Build LanguageTool.service
Copy the LanguageTool.service bundle to ~/Library/Services
To force the system to pick it up, go to the terminal and execute:
/System/Library/CoreServices/pbs -update
You can then use TextEdit or any editor using the standard spelling and grammar dialog to check your texts.