Simple utility for extracting a JSON representation of the declarations in a Go source file.
go get -u
> go-outline -f file.go
To parse and return only imports
> go-outline -f file.go -imports-only
To parse unsaved file contents, use the -modified
flag along with the -f
flag and write an archive to stdin.
File in the archive will be preferred over the one on disk.
The archive entry consists of:
- the file name, followed by a newline
- the (decimal) file size, followed by a newline
- the contents of the file
type Declaration struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Type string `json:"type"`
ReceiverType string `json:"receiverType,omitempty"`
Start token.Pos `json:"start"`
End token.Pos `json:"end"`
Children []Declaration `json:"children,omitempty"`