This is a snake game written in HTML JavaScript and a tad of CSS.
Last addition: Touch support!
Now you can also swipe up, down, left or right to control the snake from a mobile device.
Use the arrow keys to move the snake.
Eat the apples to advance in score and difficulty/speed.
Every time you eat an apple you get one point and your base speed, as well as the snake's size, will be increased.
Every 9 red apples a green apple appears. This apple will double your speed until you get the very next red apple.
When you hit the snake's body the game is over and your highest score is saved for one year (or until you beat it before that) with the help of cookies.
ArrowUp - Up
ArrowDown - Down
ArrowLeft - Left
ArrowRight - Right
KeyQ - Quit the game without saving your current score
KeyP - Pause the game. Press again to Resume
Space - Extra Acceleration (The snake continues to accelerate as you keep playing)
KeyE - Reduce Extra Acceleration (Can only reduce the Extra Acceleration. Not the always accelerating Base Speed)
As of now, Google Chrome does not store cookies from local webpages.
Because of that, every time you start the game as a local file in Google Chrome, your Highscore will be 0.
It is strongly recomended to use a browser like Mozilla Firefox where the cookies can be stored as planned
(Once hosted on a server the game does not have any problem with saving cookies on Google Chrome).