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An Open Source Collection of Program for Interactive Submission of Computational Chemistry Calculation on TAIWANIA Cluster, Taiwan


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An Open Source Collection of Program for Interactive Submission of Computational Chemistry Calculation on TAIWANIA (PETA) Cluster, National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC), Taiwan.


NCHC official website:


  1. I do not take any responsibility if any damage or failure cuased through use of all script or program taken through this Github repository.
  2. All programs were written in C-shell and tested during in stage open beta testing.

Table of Contents

Getting Program

Program source codes are available at releases page.


Source code customization is required for use by other job scheduler and other cluster.

Gaussian 09

  • subg09

  • Usage: subg09 input[.com] [output[.out]]
    For example,
    subg09 water_hf
    subg09 water_hf water_hf_4cores
    subg09 water_hf_4cores.out

  • If no output specified, basename of input will be used to name output file automatically.

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • This G09 runtime supports only OpenMP (shared-memory) parallel method.
    This program recognizes the OMP threads from the value of %nprocs line in input.
    Max %nprocs is 40 and sensible value of %nproc are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, and 36.

  • Like G16, G09 will be submitted with serial queue if value of %nproc is set to 1.

Click here to see example of Gaussian input for 4 thread request on CPU queue.
%nprocshared=4          !! <<----  This value is assigned as OMP_NUM_THREADS value.
#p freq B3LYP/6-31G(d)

Title Card Required

0 1
 C                  2.77247700   -1.55726100   -0.24944000
 C                  2.57516800   -0.21391100    0.22236700
 C                  3.66258100    0.58993400    0.49571100
 C                  4.95487500    0.05924200    0.30006200
 C                  5.13835000   -1.24438700   -0.15742400
 C                  4.04078000   -2.07971400   -0.44110700
 H                  3.54022600    1.61215000    0.84659000
 H                  5.82063000    0.68647200    0.50832700
 H                  6.14732700   -1.63065000   -0.30202500
 H                  4.18101400   -3.09833800   -0.79798600
 N                  1.50857200   -2.23308200   -0.46688800
 C                  1.09205700    0.01376600    0.31548100
 C                  0.56508400   -1.38330300   -0.16916400
 C                  0.45169100    0.19038400    1.70181800
 H                  0.83716900    1.07864500    2.23417400
 H                  0.61400000   -0.67650100    2.36782500
 C                 -1.02531100    0.35002700    1.28672300
 H                 -1.62528500    0.84001900    2.08048000
 C                 -0.92615500   -1.59776300   -0.23639300
 H                 -1.16616400   -2.69064700   -0.25662300
 N                 -1.59116700   -1.02041200    0.99900700
 C                  0.45662500    1.13244700   -0.55154600
 H                  0.50638000    0.83609200   -1.63113300
 C                 -1.01485700    1.18415400   -0.05441000
 H                 -1.34499800    2.22278200    0.13282400
 C                  1.18183100    2.47371100   -0.45244600
 O                  1.77040700    2.90633300   -1.41767100
 C                  1.12488300    3.24417800    0.83431200
 H                  1.96513800    3.95149200    0.90568700
 H                  0.20810900    3.84695700    0.89196200
 H                  1.14807000    2.59412400    1.72379300
 C                 -1.43760100   -0.86406700   -1.51074000
 H                 -2.21770900   -1.45377000   -2.02155200
 H                 -0.63475100   -0.74431500   -2.26051300
 C                 -1.99672600    0.50937600   -1.06002400
 H                 -2.15238600    1.17083500   -1.93738400
 C                 -3.07440500   -0.82309500    0.77399500
 H                 -3.54334800   -0.53697600    1.74827200
 O                 -3.70333500   -2.06174800    0.48837800
 H                 -3.47163400   -2.39796600   -0.40177600
 C                 -3.29369900    0.20245900   -0.33620000
 C                 -4.47635800    0.74125600   -0.64594500
 C                 -4.60024253    1.78394479   -1.77246740
 H                 -4.05885576    2.66655486   -1.50265297
 H                 -4.19662792    1.38069830   -2.67766766
 H                 -5.63131953    2.02904648   -1.91979486
 H                 -5.39456085    0.49863744   -0.15305581

Gaussian 16

  • subg16

  • Usage: subg16 input[.com] [output[.out]]
    For example,
    subg16 water_hf
    subg16 water_hf water_hf_4cores
    subg16 water_hf_4cores.out

  • If no output specified, basename of input will be used to name output file automatically.

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA) - only in modified version.
  • This G16 runtime supports only OpenMP (shared-memory) parallel method.
    This program recognizes the OMP threads from the value of %nprocs line in input.
    Max %nprocs is 40 and sensible value of %nproc are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, and 36.

  • GP-GPU is not now supported in current version of subg16, talk to me if you want a demo of modified subg16gpu.

Click here to see example of Gaussian input for 4 thread and 4 GPU request on GPU queue.
%gpucpu=0-3=0-3             !! <<---- 4 of 8 CPUs, 0th 1st 2nd 3rd, are used to control 4 GPU.
#p freq B3LYP/6-31G(d)

Title Card Required

0 1
 C                  2.77247700   -1.55726100   -0.24944000
 C                  2.57516800   -0.21391100    0.22236700
 C                  3.66258100    0.58993400    0.49571100
 C                  4.95487500    0.05924200    0.30006200
 C                  5.13835000   -1.24438700   -0.15742400
 C                  4.04078000   -2.07971400   -0.44110700
 H                  3.54022600    1.61215000    0.84659000
 H                  5.82063000    0.68647200    0.50832700
 H                  6.14732700   -1.63065000   -0.30202500
 H                  4.18101400   -3.09833800   -0.79798600
 N                  1.50857200   -2.23308200   -0.46688800
 C                  1.09205700    0.01376600    0.31548100
 C                  0.56508400   -1.38330300   -0.16916400
 C                  0.45169100    0.19038400    1.70181800
 H                  0.83716900    1.07864500    2.23417400
 H                  0.61400000   -0.67650100    2.36782500
 C                 -1.02531100    0.35002700    1.28672300
 H                 -1.62528500    0.84001900    2.08048000
 C                 -0.92615500   -1.59776300   -0.23639300
 H                 -1.16616400   -2.69064700   -0.25662300
 N                 -1.59116700   -1.02041200    0.99900700
 C                  0.45662500    1.13244700   -0.55154600
 H                  0.50638000    0.83609200   -1.63113300
 C                 -1.01485700    1.18415400   -0.05441000
 H                 -1.34499800    2.22278200    0.13282400
 C                  1.18183100    2.47371100   -0.45244600
 O                  1.77040700    2.90633300   -1.41767100
 C                  1.12488300    3.24417800    0.83431200
 H                  1.96513800    3.95149200    0.90568700
 H                  0.20810900    3.84695700    0.89196200
 H                  1.14807000    2.59412400    1.72379300
 C                 -1.43760100   -0.86406700   -1.51074000
 H                 -2.21770900   -1.45377000   -2.02155200
 H                 -0.63475100   -0.74431500   -2.26051300
 C                 -1.99672600    0.50937600   -1.06002400
 H                 -2.15238600    1.17083500   -1.93738400
 C                 -3.07440500   -0.82309500    0.77399500
 H                 -3.54334800   -0.53697600    1.74827200
 O                 -3.70333500   -2.06174800    0.48837800
 H                 -3.47163400   -2.39796600   -0.40177600
 C                 -3.29369900    0.20245900   -0.33620000
 C                 -4.47635800    0.74125600   -0.64594500
 C                 -4.60024253    1.78394479   -1.77246740
 H                 -4.05885576    2.66655486   -1.50265297
 H                 -4.19662792    1.38069830   -2.67766766
 H                 -5.63131953    2.02904648   -1.91979486
 H                 -5.39456085    0.49863744   -0.15305581

  • Warning: If %nproc is set to 1, G16 job will be submitted in serial queue.
    If %nproc is 2 through 40, G16 job will be submitted in cf40 queue instead.

  • For requesting of other queue, we suggest you to modify the PBS script of cf40 as your need.

  • Gaussian official website:


Single job submission

  • subnwchem

  • Usage: subnwchem input[.nw] [output[.out]] [gpu | casper | mpipr ] [-help]
    where input is NWChem input file with or without .nwchem extension.

Explanation of command arguments is below.
  • subnwchem input
    Submit job on CPU node.
  • subnwchem input mpipr
    Submit job on CPU node using MPI-PR. Recommended for medium & large jobs.
  • subnwchem input casper
    Submit job on CPU node using Casper. Use Casper when MPI-PR fails.
  • subnwchem input gpu
    Submit job on GPU node using CUDA.
  • subnwchem input gpu casper
    Submit job on GPU node using CUDA and Casper.
  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • subnwchem supports NWChem to run the requested ARMCI method: Casper and MPI-PR, and GPU/CUDA accelerator on GPU compute node.

  • GPU/CUDA technology supports only the tensor contraction engine (TCE) module for coupled-cluster (CC) calculation. Note that CUDA/MPI-PR is not now supported. Please do avoid requesting CUDA and MPI-PR simultaneously. Command line optional argument is case sensitive. Lowercase is only supported.

  • Commands

Command Function
input MWChem input file with or without .nw extension
output MWChem output file with or without .out extension
gpu Requests GPU accelerator
casper Requests Casper method (against MPI-PR)
mpipr Requests MPI-PR method (against Casper)
-help Open this help
  • Limitations
Quantity Maximum value
Compute node 600
CPU cores 40 (per node)
MPI process 40 (per node)
Threads 40 (per node & per MPI rank)

Multiple jobs submission

  • subnwmult

  • Usage: subnwmult inp_1.nw [inp_2.nw | inp_3.nw | ... | inp_10.nw] [-help]
    The first NWChem input file is at least required.

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)

    1. User is not allowed to specify output file. Basename of input file will be used for naming output file. For example, nwchem.nw => nwchem.out
    2. Existing output file whose basename is similar to name of submitting input will be overwritten.
    3. Neither ARMCI Casper, nor MPIPR, and nor GPU/CUDA are supported at this time.
  • To implement ARMCI and GPU modules in subnwmult, consult subnwchem script.

  • NWChem official website:

  • NWChem official manual:


  • subqchem

  • Usage: subqchem [thread] input[.in] [output[.out]] [-help]
    where thread is number of OpenMP threads and input is Q-Chem input file with or without .in extension.
    Default value of thread is 1.

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI (TBA)
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • Details: Parallelizability of Q-Chem that run in parallel with shared-memory (OpenMP) is better than that of non-shared memory (MPI).

Click here to see example of Q-Chem input.
0 1

OH  = 0.947
HOH = 105.5

jobtype = freq
exchange = pbe
correlation = pbe
basis = 6-31+g*
ideriv = 2

  • This script supports the Q-Chem PBS job submission with only OpenMP. If you want to use MPI instead, talk to TAIWANIA staff.

  • Q-Chem official website:


  • suborca

  • Usage: suborca input[.inp] [output[.out]] [-help]
    where input is ORCA input file with or without .inp extension.

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • ORCA generates a lot of tempolrary and scratch files in working directory, where input file is. suborca will make the symbolic link of input file to scratch folder of server in order to avoid writing scratch files in working directory. Hence, ORCA will read linking standard input file and write output file in working directory.

  • suborca supports the PBS job submission with only OpenMPI parallel method. Please unload/disable other MPI module before running ORCA.

  • suborca detects the user-defined number of MPI processes from value of PALn keyword, where n is sensible positive integer, in keyword line of input file. Following is an example of single-point energy calculation run in parallel with 8 MPI ranks.

Click here to see example of ORCA input for 8 MPI ranks.
! RHF TightSCF PModel
! opt PAL8

* xyz 0 1
 C 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
 C 0.000000 0.000000 1.400000
 C 1.212436 0.000000 2.100000
 C 2.424871 0.000000 1.400000
 C 2.424871 0.000000 0.000000
 C 1.212436 0.000000 -0.700000
 H -0.943102 0.000000 1.944500
 H 1.212436 0.000000 3.189000
 H 3.367973 0.000000 1.944500
 H 3.367973 0.000000 -0.544500
 H 1.212436 0.000000 -1.789000
 H -0.943102 0.000000 -0.544500


  • subgms and subgmsmpi

  • Usage: subgms input[.inp] [output[.out]] [-help]

  • Usage: subgmsmpi input[.inp] [output[.out]] [-help]
    where input is GAMESS input file with or without .inp extension.

  • These two scripts are used to submit GAMESS calculation using PBS Pro job scheduler for OpenMP (subgms) and MPI (subgmsmpi) parallelization methods. Default GAMESS executable is gamess.00.x.

Shared memory parallel system

  • subgms

  • Dependency: rungms.mod

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • Support only shared memory parallel (SMP) system using OpenMP protocol for GAMESS version that built with OpenMP algorithm. Visit this website for installation of GAMESS with OpenMP utilization. Parallelization over multiple compute node and/or multiple processors is forbidden.

  • rungms.mod is required for subgms script. You must save rungms.mod in either your $HOME directory or in GAMESS top directory before running subgms.

  • This subgms script was tested with $GAMESS/tests/openmp/parallel/omp-exam12.inp.

Distributed memory parallel system

  • subgmsmpi

  • Dependency: rungms.MPI

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • Support only distributed memory parallel system using MPI protocol for GAMESS version that built with MPI method. Visit this website for installation of GAMESS with MPI utilization. Parallelization over multiple compute node and/or multiple processors is allowed.

  • rungms.MPI is required for subgmsmpi script. You must save rungms.MPI in either your $HOME directory or in GAMESS top directory before running subgmsmpi.

  • This subgmsmpi script was tested with GAMESS version 14 FEB 2018 R1, which compiled with MPI & MKL of Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 update1, on Taiwania Intel Xeon cluster equiped with Intel Omni-Path high-speed interconnect technology. GNU-OpenMPI, MPICH, and MVAPICH are also supported.

Click here to see example of GAMESS input for OpenMP testing: omp-exam12.inp, file is available at $GAMESS/tests/openmp/parallel/omp-exam12.inp
! Two pyrazine molecules at 20 A distance.
! INTOMP parameter in $INTGRL controls the algorithm of
! MPI/OpenMP workload separation. INTOMP=2 assumes
! MPI parallelization over top (I) and 2nd (J) loops collapsed,
! and OpenMP parallelization over 3nd (K) and 4th (L) loops
! collapsed.
! Method: RHF/6-31G*
! Final energy:
!   FINAL RHF ENERGY IS     -525.1379673445
!  dfttyp=b3lyp
!  RUNTYP=Optimize
  maxit=50 nprint=4 $END
 $SCF    DIRSCF=.TRUE. CONV=1.0d-7 FDIFF=.false. $END
 $BASIS  GBASIS=n31 NGAUSS=6 npfunc=1 $END
!$BASIS  GBASIS=n31 NGAUSS=6 npfunc=1 ndfunc=1 $END
 $GUESS  GUESS=huckel $END
 Two pyrazine molecules on the 20 A distance from each other
NITROGEN    7.0      1.386350000        -0.291970000         0.013520000
NITROGEN    7.0     -1.386330000         0.292270000         0.006810000
CARBON      6.0      0.918820000         0.970770000        -0.018780000
CARBON      6.0     -0.448890000         1.258970000        -0.022080000
CARBON      6.0     -0.918810000        -0.970950000         0.007300000
CARBON      6.0      0.448860000        -1.259140000         0.010580000
HYDROGEN    1.0      1.661070000         1.765960000        -0.025760000
HYDROGEN    1.0     -0.807120000         2.286040000        -0.031760000
HYDROGEN    1.0      0.807140000        -2.286110000         0.027350000
HYDROGEN    1.0     -1.661090000        -1.766020000         0.021390000
NITROGEN    7.0      1.386350000        -0.291970000        20.013520000
NITROGEN    7.0     -1.386330000         0.292270000        20.006810000
CARBON      6.0      0.918820000         0.970770000        19.981220000
CARBON      6.0     -0.448890000         1.258970000        19.977920000
CARBON      6.0     -0.918810000        -0.970950000        20.007300000
CARBON      6.0      0.448860000        -1.259140000        20.010580000
HYDROGEN    1.0      1.661070000         1.765960000        19.974240000
HYDROGEN    1.0     -0.807120000         2.286040000        19.968240000
HYDROGEN    1.0      0.807140000        -2.286110000        20.027350000
HYDROGEN    1.0     -1.661090000        -1.766020000        20.021390000


  • sublmp

  • Usage: sublmp input[.in] N PPN OMP [output[.log]] [-help]
    N = Number of compute nodes.
    PPN = Number of MPI processes per node.
    OMP = Number of OMP threads per process.

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • Maximum MPI processes/node and OMP threads/process are 40.

  • GPU is not now supported.

  • This program was tested with LAMMPS that built with Intel compiler, MKL, MPI from Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 update 1, and GCC 6.3.0 compiler. make intel_cpu_intelmpi


  • submolpro

  • Usage: sublmp [PPN] input[.com] [output[.out]] [-help]

  • Example: submolpro 16 ccsd-water.out

  • Capability

    • OpenMP
    • Intel MPI
    • OpenMPI
    • GP-GPU (CUDA)
  • Maximum MPI processes/node and OMP threads/process are 40.

  • GPU is not now supported.


Rangsiman Ketkaew (MSc student)
Computaional Chemistry Research Unit
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Technology
Thammasat University, Thailand


An Open Source Collection of Program for Interactive Submission of Computational Chemistry Calculation on TAIWANIA Cluster, Taiwan








No packages published
