arduino ada 757 rpi
--------- -------- -------
bell : 6 (PD6)
button : 7 (PD7)
vcc : 5V --- HV LV --- 1 (3.3)
signal : 8 (PB0) --- B1 A1 --- 11 (17)
gnd : GND --- GND GND --- 9 (GND)
18 (24)
29 (5)
37 (26)
Install the image to a SD card and resize the root partition:
$ sudo dd if=ybpi-rpi2-image-raspberrypi2_2.3.0.rpi-sdimg of=/dev/sdX
$ sudo parted /dev/sdX resizepart 2 1024M
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sdX2
Get sources:
$ git clone
$ cd skeleton
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Adjust settings in hardware.conf.
Configure and reboot the target hardware:
$ make module-configure
Build and test:
$ make
Get an overview of the most important make targets:
$ make help
$ make device-deploy
$ make module-deploy
In order to run the unit tests on the Raspberry Pi target hardware, connect a loopback cable from GPIO 5 (pin 29) to GPIO 26 (pin 37):
$ make module-tests-target
To run the feature tests on the Raspberry Pi target hardware, connect a loopback cable from GPIO 17 (pin 11) to GPIO 24 (pin 18):
$ make module-features-target