This input plugin for project64 uses the direct controller access feature offered by raphnet N64 to USB adapters (versions 3 and up) to let the emulated game communicate with the controllers directly.
- Perfect accuracy: The controller stick works exactly as it would on a N64 system, without any calibration or tweaking.
- Rumble Pak, Controller Pak (mempak), Transfer Pak and Bio sensor support.
- N64 Mouse support and VRU support.
- Low latency
- English: Direct N64 controller access plugin for mupen64plus and project 64
- French: Plugin d'accès direct aux manettes N64 pour mupen64plus et project 64
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. Source code is available on the project homepage and on GitHub.
After compiling (or using the binary distribution) two .DLL files must be copied to specific locations.
- Copy the following file to
"Project64 installation directory"
- pj64raphnetraw.dll
- pj64raphnetraw_ports1and4.dll
- Copy the following file to
"Project64 installation directory"
(i.e. The one with a .EXE)
- libhidapi-0.dll
Then in project64, go to menu bar
-> Options
-> Settings
-> Plugins
. Next in the
Input (controller) plugin
dropdown, select "raphnetraw for Project64 version xx.xx".
Apply and exit the dialog box.
The plugin is compiled using mingw-w64 under Linux.
A Linux system such as Debian with the following packages installed: (non-exhaustive list)
- mingw-w64
- autotools-dev
- autoconf
- automake
- libtool
- git
- make
An HIDAPI build is expected in ../hidapi. i.e. The following directory structure is required:
- ...somedir/pj64raphnetraw
- ...somedir/hidapi
The plugin makefile assumes the following:
- An hidapi configured and compiled with --host i686-w64-mingw32 found in ../hidapi
hidapi can be obtained like this:
$ cd ...somedir
$ git clone
And then to compile it:
cd ...somedir/hidapi
./configure --host i686-w64-mingw32
$ cd .../somedir/
$ cd pj64raphnetraw/src
$ make