- author:Kuo Teng, Ding
- student ID:E94036209
- title:Compiler HW2
extract the zip file
change to this dict && use flex
cd Compiler_e94036209_hw2
flex Compiler_E94036209_HW2.l
- use yacc(bison)
yacc Compiler_E94036209_HW2.y --defines
- use gcc(you can also use cc)
gcc lex.yy.c y.tab.c -lfl -o output
(you can also use "gcc -o output lex.yy.c y.tab.c") 5. use pipeline to input your input file
./output < [your file]
Compiler_E94036209_HW2.l :flex
Compiler_E94036209_HW2.y :yacc
input :個人設定的輸入
- double
- 一般的負數
- 強制轉型