NTFS MFT (master file table) raw reader and parser
string vol = "c:";
var fileList = new NTFSDirect.Enumerator(vol);
foreach(string file in fileList) {
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(file);
if (!f.Exists) { continue; } //every file is enumerated even ones we don't have access to.
//Do something with each path
Get only some extensions
string vol = "c:";
var fileList = new NTFSDirect.Enumerator(vol, new [] {".txt", ".md"});
foreach(string file in fileList) {
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(file);
if (!f.Exists) { continue; } //every file is enumerated even ones we don't have access to.
//Do something with each path
This code is based on the work found here