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Radio interferometric visibility simulator based on HEALpix maps.

Note This is a tool developed for specific research uses, and is not yet at the development standards of other RASG projects. Use at your own risk.


Python dependencies for healvis include

  • numpy
  • astropy
  • astropy-healpix
  • scipy
  • h5py
  • pyyaml
  • multiprocessing
  • pyuvdata

These will be installed automatically. Optional dependencies include

The use of PyGSM within this package is subject to the GNU General Public License (GPL), due to its dependency on healpy.


Clone this repository and run the installation script as pip install .

To install optional dependencies, use pip install .[gsm] to install with PyGSM or pip install .[all] to install scikit-learn as well.

To install healvis for development, use pip install .[dev].

Getting Started

To get started running healvis, see our tutorial notebooks.