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View-Invariant Framework for Human Fall Detection based on AlphaPose Estimation (Human body keypoints detection) (ICIT), 2022

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A Skeleton-based View-Invariant Framework for Human Fall Detection in an Elevator accepted at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2022


This paper considers the emergency behavior detection problem inside an elevator. As elevators come in different shapes and emergency behavior data are scarce, we propose a skeleton-based view-invariant framework to tackle the camera view angle variation issue and the data collection issue. The proposed emergency fall detection model only needs to be trained for a target camera, which is deployed in an elevator at a manufacture’s lab, from which a large amount of training data can be collected. The deployment of a source camera, which is in a customer-side elevator, hence can be customized and almost no training effort is needed. Our framework works in four stages. First, a 2D RGB input image is taken from the source camera and a 2D human skeleton is obtained by 2D pose estimation (AlphaPose). Second, the 2D skeleton is converted to a 3D human skeleton by 3D pose estimation (3D pose baseline). Third, a pre-trained rotation-translation (RT) transform (Procrustes analysis (PA)) aligns the 3D pose representations to the target camera view. Finally, a dual 3D pose baseline deep neural networks (D3PBDNN) model for human fall detection is proposed to perform the recognition task. We gather a human fall detection dataset inside different elevators from various view angles and validate our proposal. Experimental results successfully attain almost equivalent accuracy to that of a source camera-trained model.

A PyTorch implementation for Falling person detection inside elevator based on AlphaPose Estimation (Human body keypoints detection)

Table of Contents:


  • Clear folder structure which is suitable for many deep learning projects.
  • Config files to support for convenient parameter tuning.
  • Customizable command line options for more convenient parameter tuning.
  • Checkpoint saving and resuming.

Folder Structure

├── train/ contains training scripts for dnn and RNNS fall classification models
|    ├── - script to start dnn training
|    ├── - script to start auto encoder training
|    ├── - script to start auto encode plus lstm training
|    ├── - script to start lstm training
|    ├── - skeleton dataloader
|    ├── - plot training stats 
├── test/ contains  scripts to inference trained models on videos and image data
|    ├── - main script to run inference on video data
├── source/contains alphapose source code  
|    ├── check alphapose source readme for getting started
|    ├── check alaphapose docs folder for installation 
├── dataset/  - contains skeleton data extracted from alphapose estimator 
│   └── DataCSV
|    └── DataPrepare 
|    └── SkeletonData
├── input/ - default directory for storing image and video datasets
|	└── multicam_dataset - these are used as input to pose estimator for extracting skeleton data
|	└── Falling_Standing
|	└── Falling_Standing_2
├── examples - contains test video for inferece 
├── fallmodels/ - fall classification models package
│   ├──
├── checkpoints/ fall classification models checkpoints
│   ├── dnntiny/ - trained models are saved here
|          ├── epoch_210_loss_0.031925.pth
├── plots/ - module for tensorboard visualization and logging
└── tools/ - small utility functions


  • Python >= 3.5 (3.7 recommended)
  • PyTorch >= 0.4 (1.2 recommended)
  • See alphapose readme and installation docs for complete requirements
  • After complete installation including Alphapose cd to root directory (Falling-Person-Detection-based-On-AlphaPos) and follow commands in usage section to extract sekelton data, run train and inference on videos


  • Extract 2d skeleton data:

    python dataset/dataPrepare/ --cfg source/configs/coco/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-3_1x.yaml --checkpoint source/pretrained_models/fast_res50_256x192.pth --indir input/Falling_Standing_2 --outdir frames --save_img --qsize 50
  • Uplift 2d skeleton to 3d Skeleton :

  • Train fall classification models

    python train/
  • Run on trained fall models

    python test/ --cfg source/configs/coco/resnet/256x192_res50_lr1e-3_1x.yaml --checkpoint source/pretrained_models/fast_res50_256x192.pth --cam examples/demo/test/1.mp4 --vis_fast --save_out outputs/1.avi
  • Check alphapose docs for explanation of command line arguments

Config file format

Inference results

Falling and Standing Demo on Custom Dataset


Feel free to contribute any kind of function or enhancement, here the coding style follows PEP8

Code should pass the Flake8 check before committing.


  • Training on Benchmark Datasets
  • Testing on Benchmark Datasets
  • Inference on Videos


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details


This project is developed based on Alphapose codebase.