Bootstrap Grape application for REST APIs. Refer to Wiki to know more about how features are implemented
- Live Reload Development (Guard)
- RabbitMQ (Sneakers)
- Cron Jobs (Sidekiq)
- Audit Logs (PaperTrail)
- Ruby 2.6.2
- PostgreSQL
- Redis 5
Clone poject
Run bundler:
$ bundle install
- Create database and run migrations:
$ bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
- Run application:
$ rackup -p 3000
- For development:
$ bundle exec guard
To run application on docker:
- Install Docker and Docker-Compose
- Clone the project
- Run these commands on project root:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
# Open another terminal and run:
$ docker-compose run web bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
To use console, run the following command:
$ bin/console
To run Cron Jobs:
$ bin/sidekiq
To run RabbitMQ Workers:
$ bin/sneakers
To execute tests, run the following command:
$ bundle exec rspec
To show the application routes, run the following command:
$ bundle exec rake routes
The software is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.