Use Python as the basis for a web server.
Instead of building it from scratch, we'll refactor the back end of an app that was originally built using Node.js.
The app, called Rob's Tech-Talk Emporium, lets users submit links to tech-related articles, comment on other users' articles, and upvote articles for points.
- Description
- Documentation
- Deployment
- Usage
- Screenshot
- Features
- Acknowledgements
- License
- Reflection
- Contact
- Python - Flask - SQLAlchemy - Gunicorn
This application is deployed using Heroku
- As a user, I want to be able to view the home and dashboard pages in the browser.
- As a user, I need a database that can store my account, posts, comments, or upvotes.
- As a user, I want to be able to see my posts on the homepage.
- I expect to see dates, URLs, and plural words properly formatted.
- As a user, I want to be able to log in and have my session remembered if I refresh the page.
- As a logged-in user, I want to be able to create new posts and comments and upvote other posts.
- As a user, I want to be able to visit the app on a public URL.
Activate VENV:
.\venv\Scripts\activate -
Start server:
python -m flask run -
Deactivate VENV:
- User authentication
- User posts
- User comments
- User upvotes
- Edit and delete posts
- REST API / CRUD operations
- "Python for JavaScript Developers"
© 2020 - 2021 Trilogy Education Services, a 2U, Inc. brand. All Rights Reserved.
Permission to use this application is granted under the MIT license.
Building this project helped us realize the power and elegance of Python - and that there is still much to learn!
Reflecting on what you recently learned is a proven strategy for making new knowledge stick.
Spend a few minutes thinking about the following questions:
In your own words, describe the key ideas from this module.
Give an example of how each key idea is applied.
How do these key ideas relate to each other?
How do these key ideas relate to what you learned earlier in the course?
What are you still curious about?
Holler at me!