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Raul Del Pozo Moreno edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 2 revisions
  1. Clone repository
  2. Deployment

Clone repository

To perform a local deployment of the chatbot you need to download the repository of GitHub using the command:

Once cloned, it is necessary to access the chatbot directory:

  • cd ChatbotTFG

Now you have different deployment options (a Telegram bot created by BotFather is required)


In this section you will find different types of deployment, choose the one that most interests you.

Deploy Rasa on local

This deployment describes the steps required to run Rasa servers on your local machine directly:

  • Configure your database in the endpoints.yml file, in case you don't you have your own Redis database you can deploy a container using docker-compose.

  • If you do not have your own database, run this command inside the Docker/docker- compose path:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-redis.yml
  • Configure the access credentials to your Telegram bot in the file credentials.yml.

  • Before starting the Rasa server it is necessary to train the chatbot, for this run: rasa train.

  • Now in a terminal execute the command: rasa run actions to execute the action server.

  • Execute in another terminal the command: rasa shell, to start the server Rasa.

Deploy Rasa on local using Docker

Configure the access credentials to your Telegram bot in the secrets/telegram_secrets.env file.

  • Configure the credentials of your smtp server in the secrets/email_secrets.env file.

  • Run the Redis database container.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-redis.yml up --build
  • Configure the IP of the Redis database in the endpoints.yml file.

  • Run the Rasa server container and Rasa actions.

docker-compose -f docker-compose-rasa.yml up --build

Deploy Nginx

In case you want to use a load balancer, a docker-compose-nginx.yml file is provided through which a container with Nginx is deployed. You must ensure that all requests are made to the container instead of the server or servers.

For security, it is necessary to have two self-signed certificates with letsencrypt associated with a DNS corresponding to the machine where Nginx is deployed.

  • Place in Docker/nginx/certs/ your certificates with the name of fullchain.pem and privkey.pem

  • Modify the Docker/nginx/conf/servers file by entering the IP of your rasa's servant

  • Start the Nginx service using docker-compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-nginx.yml up --build

The load balancer also acts as a reverse proxy, allowing all connections are made via https.

Deploy Redis database

If you don't have your own database for the Rasa server, you can perform a quick deployment of a container with this database.

To do this, navigate to the Docker/docker-compose/ directory and follow the Next steps:

  • Modify the docker-compose-redis.yml file by changing redis-password by the password established in the endpoints.yml file.

  • Build and start the container:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-redis.yml up --build