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PTGen.exe (Plugin Template Generator)

Raul-Sorin Sorban edited this page Jul 3, 2019 · 4 revisions

It's a handy Plugin Template generator application which is used with a command-line structure. When properly set up, it generates a Visual Studio project (.Net Framework 4.7.2) with the given name and type. There is also the quick-start class with the required Informations attribute and Contact. The project is compilable at the first start.

Check out the other Wikis on how to set up the Bots and Mods.


  • -name (Required): Project name.
  • -type (Required): Project type (it can be "bot" or "mod").
  • +destination (Optional): Sets the root path of where the project is going to be created. Leaving it empty will just create it in the folder where PTGen.exe is.
  • update: It updates/overrides References - it's safe to use on any project.


  • PTGen -name TestBot -type bot generates a folder in which there is the Visual Studio project named TestBot.
  • PTGen -name TestMod -type mod generates a folder in which there is the Visual Studio project named TestMod.
  • PTGen update -name TestMod -type bot updates a folder structure, without changing important files.
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