Send mails with PHPMailer and a Twig template.
- Uses a PHPMailer instance for sending the mail
- Uses a Twig Environment to render templates
- Creates a text version from the HTML version
- If linked CSS files are found in the HTML, they are loaded and converted to inline styles
- Sets the subject from the HTML title tag
Install with composer/packagist
composer require rauwebieten/twigmailer
Make sure you have a configured PHPMailer instance. Check the PHPMailer documentation for details.
$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader(__DIR__ . '/templates');
$twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
Make sure you have a configured Twig Environment instance. Check the Twig documentation for details.
$phpMailer = new \PHPMailer();
$phpMailer->Mailer = 'mail';
$phpMailer->setFrom('', 'Me');
Create a TwigMailer instance
$mailer = new \RauweBieten\TwigMailer\TwigMailer($phpMailer, $twig);
Create content from the template
$mailer->create('some-template.html.twig', [
'some-variable' => 'Some value'
And send the mail
$mailer->getPhpMailer()->addAddress('', 'Someone');