Much faster song loading/skipping.
New settings: configurable colors. These are configured in the kewrc file (in ~/.config/ or wherever your config files are) with instructions there.
New setting: hidehelp. Hides the help text on library view and playlist view.
New setting: hidelogo. Prints the artist name as well as the song title at the top instead of a logo.
Fixed an issue with shuffle that could lead to a crash.
Fixed an issue where it could crash at the end of the playlist.
Fixed an issue where in some types of music libraries you couldn't scroll all the way to the bottom.
Fixed notifications not notifying on songs with spaces in cover art url.
Fixed sometimes not being able to switch song.
Further adjustments to the visualizer.
.aac and .mp4 file support.
New option: -q. Quits right after playing the playlist (same as --quitonstop).
Improved help text.