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Complex Scripts

Ravi J edited this page Nov 7, 2020 · 12 revisions

The C table, also called as command table, helps with script/programmable data into the V column. The data can be made executable depending on the macro into which it is passed to. This section explains how to enable/disable the functionality in a shell script at one's convenience.

The same method becomes applicable if the user prefers to use with a different application instead of a shell script.

In case of complex scripts spanning multiple lines or perhaps a set of highly dependent functions, it is cumbersome to add data into the table. Instead, following the steps listed below can be very efficient in enabling/disabling a specific function(s).

  • source : makes the script accessible globally
  • unset : disables the function globally

The above functions are usually part of core utils.

Get the template file to add the data

qkw -gettemplate

Enable template followed by Disable template. The expl column helps understand how to use the script and any other information.

source $path/;

enable the function "myfunc" globally 

  myfunc <option-1> <option-2>

  - myfunc: makes use of f1,f2 with two arguments

  - dont use when in a specific directory



unset myfunc;

disable my func, as sourced from


Add the information into the C-table

qkw -C -if

To see what's added, search for it

qkw -sC myfunc

The output should look something like this

Enabling/disabling the function "myfunc"

# enable
rfs myfunc.enable

# Using myfunc from the terminal, like a native application
myfunc <option-1> <option-2>

# disable
rfs myfunc.disable

myfunc # will throw an error

rfs is the shell macro which is sourced by default

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