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Featured on Dr. Neat's Vlog:

PPE Makers/Assemblers: Ravi Riley, Sako Chekerjian, Eric Limonadi, Adam Komjathy
Donors: FRC Team 589, my parents, Dr. Neat
Recipients: Verdugo Hills Hosptial, Keck Medicine of USC, CVHS, local essential workers

Face Shields Strain Relievers

We need help fabricating face shields and surgical mask strain relievers.

Take Action

Each face shield consists of just 2 parts: a 3D-printed frame and a transparent visor. For more info on the design, click here.

If you have a 3D printer, print face shield frames (stl) and surgical mask strain relievers (stl). Ideally print with PETG, if you can't PLA works just as well. Read this print guide for more details.

Printing face shield frames one at a time can be super time consuming, so if you want to 3D print stacks of face shields, check out my stack generator on Thingiverse Customizer or run its OpenSCAD script locally. I built this tool using my STL to OpenSCAD converter. Scroll down to see a demo of the stack generator script.

If you have a laser cutter, cut face shield visors from transparent 8.5x11" sheets, such as this or this.

If you want to help out, please Donate via PayPal so we can buy more filament and plastic sheets. Thank you to our current donors for their contributions!

COVID-19 Information/Trackers

Explore more 3D printable designs at the National Institutes of Health 3D Print Exchange for COVID-19

Demo of Face Shield Stacker OpenSCAD Script

Demo of OpenSCAD Script


local response to low supplies of PPE






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