Docker Container to run a Rompr ( instance.
This work is based on Rompr by fatg3rman and a fork of tutumcloud/lamp
I no longer maintain images on dockerhub as i moved to Lyrion ( for its stable Qobuz intergration. There seems to be an image chrll/rompr available on dockerhub that uses this code. Alternatively you can build a local image with the build.local script.
docker build --build-arg ROMPR_VERSION=2.15 -t local/rompr .
You can update the ROMPR_VERSION Argument to its latest version
The easiest way to get a rompr instance running is:
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name rompr local/rompr
You can create a docker-compose.yml like so:
version: "3"
image: local/rompr
container_name: rompr
restart: always
- "80:80"
Then run the following command in the directory of the docker-compose.yml file:
docker-compose up -d
For a full installation of mopidy, rompr and a full rompr datatabase (mysql) look at the docker-compose.with_mopidfy_and_mysql file
Open rompr in your Browser:
http://<ip of your rompr host>:80/
Hello Rompr!
When you see the rompr setup screen
Mopidy or mpd Server: mopidy
Port: 6600
The entered prefs will survive a restart of the container as long as you dont change the volume definition in docker-compose.yml In that case you need to remove the existing container and create a new one.
docker-compose stop rompr
docker-compose rm rompr
docker-compose up -d
In case you already have a webserver running under port 80 on your host you can bind an alternative port like 8080
docker run -d -p 8080:80 local/rompr
Open in your Browser:
http://<ip of your rompr host>:8080
Check php variables:
Get the container name or id
docker ps
run a shell in the container
docker exec -it rompr /bin/bash