This guide presents a detailed, step-by-step instruction on setting up the Hyperledger Fabric Test Network and Hyperledger Explorer. As these instructions may vary depending on several factors, it's recommended to also refer to the official installation instructions found at Hyperledger Fabric Installation. This is all through Docker btw.
- Start by creating a new droplet. Set the desired locale (use
if unsure). - Next, update and upgrade the system by running these commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Installing Hyperledger Explorer as the root user can lead to errors. To circumvent this, create a new user (we use "ray" as an example).
- Run the following commands to create a new user and set up a password:
sudo adduser ray
sudo usermod -aG sudo ray
- These commands create the new user "ray" and grant "ray" sudo access. Switch to the new user using: su - ray.
Fabric and Explorer require Docker to run. Make sure you have the necessary prerequisites installed:
- Install the necessary packages:
sudo apt-get install git curl docker-compose -y
- Start the Docker daemon:
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
- If needed, install additional dependencies (e.g., nodejs, npm, python)
- Install golang:
tar -xzvf go1.13.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go/ /usr/local
- Edit the 'GOPATH' in '.bashrc':
pico ~/.bashrc
- Add these lines to the end of '.bashrc' file:
export GOPATH=/usr/local/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
- Exit and log back in as 'ray'
su - ray
Now that the dependencies are installed, you are ready to set up Hyperledger Fabric:
- To get the install script run this script:
curl -sSLO && chmod +x
- Use Docker to download the Fabric Container Images, download binaries and samples with either command:
./ docker samples binary
./ d s b
- Navigate to the test-network with this command:
cd fabric-samples/test-network
- Bring up the network, create a channel between Org1 and Org2, and join their peers to the channel. Run this command to create the channel with the default name of mychannel:
./ up createChannel
- Create a new folder for Explorer:
cd ~/
mkdir explorer
cd explorer/
- Download the required files:
wget -P connection-profile
cp -r ~/fabric-samples/test-network/organizations/ ~/explorer/
- Open the file:
pico docker-compose.yaml
-Ensure the volumes section looks like below:
- ./config.json:/opt/explorer/app/platform/fabric/config.json
- ./connection-profile:/opt/explorer/app/platform/fabric/connection-profile
- ./organizations:/tmp/crypto
- walletstore:/opt/wallet
- Optionally, you can edit the test-network.json file if you want to change the password and id:
pico connection-profile/test-network.json
- Default username and password:
"id": "exploreradmin",
"password": "exploreradminpw"
- Start Hyperledger Explorer:
docker-compose up -d
- If you made any changes, clear them out with this command and start again:
docker-compose down -v
- Access the Hyperledger Explorer by navigating to http://localhost:8080 in your local browser. You will be prompted to enter your credentials. Enter "exploreradmin" and "exploreradminpw".
Always consult the official documentation for more detailed installation instructions and updates.