This is a flask app designed for face recognition, allowing users to upload images or capture photos using their device's camera. Leveraging machine learning algorithms, the app analyzes the facial features of the uploaded/captured images and matches them against a pre-trained database of known faces. Upon recognition, the app provides information about the recognized individuals, such as their names or associated profiles. The user-friendly interface and efficient processing make it a convenient solution for face recognition tasks.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
You may find below the list of things you need to use this project :
- Make sure python 3 is running on your system.
- Make sure you already had flask or install it using
- Make sure you have vstudio commuinty with c/c++ extension cmake
$ pip install flask
1- create venv in the project directory
$ python -m venv venv
2-Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
$ venv\Scripts\activate
On Unix or Linux:
$ source venv/bin/activate
3- now install dependencies :
requirements.txt contains all the packages you will need for this work.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
4- Run the server
$ py