Hi! Raylex is an open source media player, written in dart (flutter). It's still in development process. Any one can contribute to this repository.
Prerequisites: Flutter, VSCode/Android Studio
Install flutter from git as described by the link: flutter.dev/get-started
Open CMD and run these code to check all dependencies
flutter doctor
Run the app
cd <to the project folder>
flutter run
- Designing the basic UI to start back-end part
- Basic Back-end- Listing all songs and albums
- Implementing Audio Interface
- Notifications
- Linking it to some free radio services
- Linking it to some free online audio services - like hungama
- Linking it to some podcast services
- Giving free alternative to all paid audio services
Every personal can contribute to it. No experience needed. Add a issue or suggestion first then I will allot someone who's interested to work on it. Then the assignee can fork the repository and work on it and when done he can request a poll request. All merging conflict should be fixed by the assignee with the help of the maintainer. Any help will be given if asked.
This is under the license GPL-3.0