Lumen + AngularJS project seed with Docker
- Lumen
- Xdebug
- AngularJS (1.x)
- Docker
- Vagrant
- Docker compose
- Gulp
- BrowserSync
- PhantomJS
- Karma
- Bower
- Postman
- Newman
Spira has a yeoman generator at wich you can install with the following command
$ npm install -g generator-spira
$ cd /path/to/new/directory
$ yo spira
From there follow the on screen prompts. Note you may have to enter your sudo password a few times during install:
- To edit /etc/exports for NAT
- To edit /etc/hosts for host resolving
In addition, due to rate limiting by github, part way through the composer install section you will have to add an authorise token from your github account. This is so github will allow the high rate of clones that composer needs.
Only if you want to install manually, follow the below instructions.
You have two options - boot2docker and vagrant. Vagrant is the recommended setup, however you may already have boot2docker working and prefer it. Instructions for setup below. Vagrant is recommended as it supports NFS folder sharing in a simple way, whereas boot2docker takes a significant amount more work to set up (outside of the instructions below).
Vagrant manages provisioning of virtual machines See
Install vagrant-docker-compose plugin to autoload plugins when vagrant boots
vagrant plugin install vagrant-docker-compose
virtualbox & vmware are both virtual machine runners virtualbox is free at
vagrant up
When vagrant boots it attempts to run all the containers. If they are not yet present, the containers will be pulled from the dockerhub repository.
If the process fails at any point (it can happen the first time when pulling containers due to connectivity issues), run the following command to do a manual pull
vagrant ssh --command cd /data && docker-compose pull
Once all containers have pulled successfully, run the following command to re-attempt booting
vagrant ssh --command cd /data && docker-compose up -d
sudo -- sh -c "printf '\n\n#spira vagrant/docker\n192.168.2.2\\n192.168.2.2\\n192.168.2.2\' >> /etc/hosts"
On login you will see the output of docker-compose ps
which gives you the status of all containers.
vagrant ssh
ls -lah
docker-compose run artisan migrate --seed
MacOS command for the lazy:
open -a "Google Chrome"
boot2docker is a lightweight linux distro that runs entirely in ram, only for running docker containers.
It also puts the docker
command on your system path to allow you to create and publish docker containers, and orchestrate multiple containers with docker-compose
Note: we don't yet use kitematic as it does not (yet) support orchestration of multiple containers with docker-compose
Follow the install steps for your relevant OS.
If using a linux variant as your dev os, just install docker - there is no need for a docker runner, however the path mapping defined in docker-compose might not be correct for you. Consider establishing a common location for all of your developers, for example /var/www/ and symlink from to that location.
$ boot2docker init
Note that it is important for the containers to work to mount to the repo root (with this README as a child) as some of the containers rely on the folder structure
$ VBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm --name spira --hostpath /path/to/your/site/repo
$ boot2docker up
Note that on first start boot2docker will output 3 exports that you must run eg:
To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/zak/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
You must either run the commands in your shell, or copy them to your .bashrc file to have them set every time
Try the one liner below (check the values are what you are wanting):
sudo -- sh -c "printf '\n\n#spira docker\n192.168.59.103\\n192.168.59.103\\n192.168.59.103\' >> /etc/hosts"
Mount the shared folder on the vm at the location /data (this is important, the main docker-data container config relies on this location)
$ boot2docker ssh 'sudo mkdir /data'
$ boot2docker ssh 'sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 spira /data'
Verify the project files are mounted with
$ boot2docker ssh 'ls -l /data'
$ boot2docker down
$ VBoxManage modifyvm boot2docker-vm --natpf1 "web,tcp,,80,,80"
$ VBoxManage modifyvm boot2docker-vm --natpf1 "api,tcp,,8080,,8080"
$ VBoxManage modifyvm boot2docker-vm --natpf1 "dockerssh,tcp,,42222,,42222"
$ VBoxManage modifyvm boot2docker-vm --natpf1 "mailcatcher,tcp,,1080,,1080"
$ boot2docker up
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose ps
$ chmod -R 777 api/storage/
$ docker-compose run artisan migrate --seed
All containers should have either exited 0 or be running
MacOS command for the lazy:
open -a "Google Chrome"
This initial build will take some time as all the containers need to be downloaded, however they are cached and each reboot pulls from cache.
If you wish to connect to the container via SSH (eg to connect to the database from a client), you can use a connection made available in the ssh container.
$ ssh -p 42222
Note that the port is 42222. This is to avoid collision with the connection to the boot2docker vm.
docker-compose up -d
- reads docker-compose.yml and deploys containersdocker-compose ps
- list docker containers and their statusdocker-compose run web
- run an individual container (good for debugging as the errors are output)docker-compose stop
- stop all containersdocker-compose pull
- re-pull all containers from the registry (checking for updates)docker-compose run --entrypoint ls web /etc/nginx/sites-available
- run a specific command in container, not the standard entrypoint (process)docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' data_db_1
- get IP address of a container
vagrant ssh
- log into vagrantbox
boot2docker up
- start docker host vmboot2docker down
- stop docker host vmboot2docker ssh 'ls -l /data/vhosts/nginx/*.conf'
- execute a command in the host vmVBoxManage sharedfolder add boot2docker-vm --name spira --hostpath ~/sites/spira/spira
- add a shared folder (path to your repo) to the host vm. The name is used for mounting the volumeVBoxManage setextradata boot2docker-vm VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/spira 1
- allow symlinking within the shared volumeboot2docker ssh 'sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 spira /data'
- mount volume on the host vm (the name must match the shared folder)boot2docker ssh 'ls -l /data'
- verify mounting in boot2dockerVBoxManage modifyvm boot2docker-vm --natpf1 "api,tcp,,8080,,8080"
- open a port on the host vmVBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 delete "xdebug"
- close opened portVBoxManage modifyvm boot2docker-vm --memory 4000
- allocate more ram to the machine (unit is MB)
Container development (only available from within the spira vagrant box if you place docker source repos in a folder (../docker) relative to this file.
docker build -t spira/docker-phpfpm:latest .
- build an image, give it a tagdocker push spira/docker-phpfpm
- publish a container back to dockerhub (feel free to halt the process after the first image uploads, the process continues in the background). Also note that unless pushing to a private hub, you are better off not pushing from local, and use Docker Hub's Automated Builds instead.docker images -q --filter "dangling=true" | xargs docker rmi
- delete all images that are not current (free up some disk space)- Getting resolve issues when building? Edit
in boot2docker. (boot2docker ssh
thenvi /etc/resolve.conf
to edit) and change the nameserver entry:nameserver
- For security XDEBUG_ENABLED should NOT be set to true in production - the way xdebug is configured for docker allows for remote connection from any host.