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Prepare your markdown for easy diff'ing!


This is mdslw, the MarkDown Sentence Line Wrapper, an auto-formatter that prepares your markdown for easy diff'ing.


Markdown documents are written for different purposes. Some of them are meant to be read in plain text, while others are first rendered and then presented to the reader. In the latter case, the documents are often kept in version control and edited with the same workflows as other code.

When editing source code, software developers do not want changes in one location to show up as changes in unrelated locations. Now imagine a markdown document like this:

# Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Adding the new sentence Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident. after the second one and re-arranging the text as a block would result in a diff view like this that shows changes in several lines:

< Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor
< incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipiscing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat
> cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
> magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Now imagine the original text had a line break after every sentence, i.e. it had looked like this:

# Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam.

For text formatted like this, a diff would only show up for the sentences that are actually affected, simplifying the review process:

> Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Most rendering engines treat a single linebreak like a single space. Thus, both documents would be identical when presented to the reader even though the latter is significantly nicer to keep up to date with version control. The tool mdslw aims to auto-format markdown documents in exactly this way.

Working principle

The tool mdslw operates according to a very simple process that can be described as follows:

  • Parse the document and determine areas in the document that contain text. Only process those.
  • There exists a limited number of characters (.!?: by default) that serve as end-of-sentence markers if they occur alone. If such a character is followed by whitespace, it denotes the end of a sentence, unless the last word before the character is part of a known set of words, matched case-insensitively by default. Those words can be taken from an included list for a specific language and also specified directly.
  • Insert a line break after every character that ends a sentence, but keep indents in lists and enumerations in tact.
  • Collapse all consecutive whitespace into a single space. While doing so, preserve both non-breaking spaces and linebreaks that are preceded by a non-breaking space.
  • Before line wrapping, replace all spaces in link texts by non-breaking spaces.
  • Wrap lines that are longer than the maximum line width (80 characters by default) without splitting words or splitting at non-breaking spaces while also keeping indents in tact.

In contrast to most other tools the author could find, mdslw does not parse the entire document into an internal data structure just to render it back because that might result in changes in unexpected locations. Instead, it adjusts only those areas that do contain text that can be wrapped. That is, mdslw never touches any parts of a document that cannot be line-wrapped automatically. That includes, for example, code blocks, HTML blocks, and pipe tables.


  • The default settings of mdslw are strongly geared towards the English language, even though it works for other languages, too.
  • Like with any other auto-formatter, you give up some freedom for the benefit of automatic handling of certain issues.
  • Inline code sections are wrapped like any other text, which may cause issues with certain renderers.
  • While mdslw has been tested with documents containing unicode characters such as emojis, the outcome can still be unexpected. For example, any emoji is treated as a single character when determining line width even though some editors might draw certain emojis wider. Any feedback is welcome!
  • Since mdslw collapses all consecutive whitespace into a single space during the line-wrapping process, it does not work well with documents using tabs in text. A tab, including all whitespace before and after it, will also be replaced by a single space. Use the keep-linebreaks feature and prefix linebreaks by a non-breaking space to influence this behaviour.
  • There are flavours of markdown that define additional markup syntax that mdslw cannot recognise but instead detects as text. Consequently, mdslw might cause formatting changes that causes such special syntax to be lost. You can use non-breaking spaces to work around that.
  • Some line breaks added by mdslw might not be considered nice looking. Use a non-breaking space instead of a normal space to prevent a line break at a position.

About markdown extensions

There are quite a lot of markdown extensions out there. It is not possible for mdslw to support all of them. Instead, mdslw aims at supporting CommonMark as well as some extensions used by its users. A new extension can be supported if supporting it does not negatively impact CommonMark support and if support can be added relatively easily. Please feel free to suggest support for a new extension as a contribution.

Command reference

Call as:

mdslw [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...

A PATH can point to a file or a directory. If it is a file, then it will be auto-formatted irrespective of its extension. If it is a directory, then mdslw will discover all files ending in .md recursively and auto-format those. If you do not specify any path, then mdslw will read from stdin and write to stdout.

The following is a list of all supported command line arguments. Note that you can also configure mdslw via environment variables or config files. Values are resolved in the following order:

  • Defaults
  • Config files
  • Environment variables
  • Command line arguments

Command Line Arguments

  • --help: Print the help message.
  • --version: Print the tool's version number.
  • --max-width <MAX_WIDTH>: The maximum line width that is acceptable. A value of 0 disables wrapping of long lines altogether. The default value is 80.
  • --end-markers <END_MARKERS>: The set of characters that are end of sentence markers, defaults to ?!:..
  • --mode <MODE>: A value of check means to exit with an error if the format had to be adjusted but not to perform any formatting. A value of format, the default, means to format the file and exit with success. A value of both means to do both (useful when used as a pre-commit hook).
  • --lang <LANG>: A space-separated list of languages whose suppression words as specified by unicode should be taken into account. See here for all languages. Currently supported are en, de, es, fr, and it. Use none to disable. Use ac (the default) for "author's choice", a list for the English language defined and curated by this tool's author.
  • --suppressions <SUPPRESSIONS>: A space-separated list of words that end in one of END_MARKERS but that should not be followed by a line break. This is in addition to what is specified via --lang. Defaults to the empty string.
  • --ignores <IGNORES>: Space-separated list of words that end in one of END_MARKERS and that should be removed from the list of suppressions. Defaults to the empty string.
  • --upstream <UPSTREAM>: Specify an upstream auto-formatter (with args) that reads from stdin and writes to stdout. It will be called before mdslw will run and mdslw will use its output. This is useful if you want to chain multiple tools. For example, specify prettier --parser=markdown to call prettier first. The upstream auto-formatter is run in each file's directory if PATHS are specified.
  • --case <CASE>: How to handle the case of provided suppression words, both via --lang and --suppressions. A value of ignore, the default, means to match case-insensitively while a value of keep means to match case-sensitively.
  • --extension <EXTENSION>: The file extension used to find markdown files when a PATH is a directory, defaults to .md.
  • --features <FEATURES>: Comma-separated list of optional features to enable or disable. Currently, the following are supported (the opposite setting is the default in each case):
    • keep-spaces-in-links: Do not replace spaces in link texts by non-breaking spaces.
    • keep-linebreaks: Do not remove existing linebreaks during the line-wrapping process.
    • format-block-quotes: Format text in block quotes.
  • --completion <COMPLETION>: Output shell completion file for the given shell to stdout and exit. The following shells are supported: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh.
  • --jobs <JOBS>: Specify the number of threads to use for processing files from disk in parallel. Defaults to the number of logical processors.
  • --report <REPORT>: What to report to stdout, ignored when reading from stdin:
    • none, the default: Report nothing but be silent instead, which is useful in scripts.
    • changed: Output the names of files that were changed, which is useful for downstream processing with tools such as xargs.
    • state: Output <state>:<filename> where <state> is U for "unchanged" or C for "changed", which is useful for downstream filtering with tools such as grep.
    • diff-myers: Output a unified diff based on the myers algorithm. Pipe the output to tools such as bat, delta, or diff-so-fancy to get syntax highlighting. You can use the --diff-pager setting to define such a pager.
    • diff-patience: Output a unified diff based on the patience algorithm. See diff-myers for useful downstream tools.
    • diff-lcs: Output a unified diff based on the lcs algorithm. See diff-myers for useful downstream tools.
  • --diff-pager <DIFF_PAGER>: Specify a downstream pager for diffs (with args) that reads diffs from stdin. This is useful if you want to display a diff nicely. For example, specify delta --side-by-side to get a side-by-side view. This flag is ignored unless a diff-type report has been requested.
  • --stdin-filepath <STDIN_FILEPATH>: The path to the file that is read from stdin. This is used to determine relevant config files when reading from stdin and to run an upstream formatter. Defaults to the current working directory.
  • --default-config: Output the default config file in TOML format to stdout and exit.
  • --verbose: Specify to increase verbosity of log output. Specify multiple times to increase even further.

Automatic file discovery

This tool uses the ignore crate in its default settings to discover files when given a directory as a PATH. Details about those defaults can be found here. Briefly summarised, the following rules apply when deciding whether a file shall be ignored:

  • Hidden files (starting with .) are ignored.
  • Files matching patterns specified in a file called .ignore are ignored. The patterns affect all files in the same directory or child directories.
  • If run inside a git repository, files matching patterns specified in a file called .gitignore are ignored. The patterns affect all files in the same directory or child directories.

If you wish to format a file that is being ignored by mdslw, then pass it as an argument directly. Files passed as arguments are never ignored and will always be processed.

Environment Variables

Instead of or in addition to configuring mdslw via command line arguments or config files, you can configure it via environment variables. For any command line option --some-option=value, you can instead set an environment variable MDSLW_SOME_OPTION=value. For example, instead of setting --end-markers=".?!", you could set MDSLW_END_MARKERS=".?!" instead. When set, the value specified via the environment variable will take precedence over the default value and a value taken from config files. When set, a command line argument will take precedence over the environment variable. Take a call like this for example:

export MDSLW_EXTENSION=".markdown"
export MDSLW_MODE=both
mdslw --mode=check .

This call will search for files with the extension .markdown instead of the default .md. Furthermore, files will only be checked due to --mode=check, even though the environment variable MDSLW_MODE=both has been set. Defaults will be used for everything else.

Config Files

Instead of or in addition to configuring mdslw via command line arguments or environment variables, you can configure it via config files. Such a file has to have the exact name .mdslw.toml and affects all files in or below its own directory. Multiple config files will be merged. Options given in config files closer to a markdown file take precedence.

Configuration files are limited to options that influence the formatted result. They cannot influence how mdslw operates. For example, the option --mode cannot be set via config files while --max-width can. The following example shows all the possible options that can be set via config files. Note that all entries are optional in config files, which means that any number of them may be left out. The following is a full config file containing all the default values.

max-width = 80
end-markers = "?!:."
lang = "ac"
suppressions = ""
ignores = ""
upstream = ""
case = "ignore"
features = ""

When set, the value specified via the config file will take precedence over the default value. When set, an environment variable or a command line argument will take precedence over a value taken from config files.


Go to the project's release page, select the correct binary for your system, and download it. See below for how to select the correct one. Rename the downloaded binary to mdslw (or mdslw.exe on Windows) and move it to a location that is in your $PATH such as /usr/local/bin (will be different on Windows). Moving it there will likely require admin or root permissions, e.g. via sudo. On Unix systems, you also have to make the binary executable via the command chmod +x mdslw, pointing to the actual location of mdslw. From now on, you can simply type mdslw in your terminal to use it!

The naming of the release binaries uses the LLVM target triple. You can also use the following list to pick the correct binary for your machine:

  • mdslw_x86_64-unknown-linux-musl: Linux desktop or laptop using 64-bit x86-compatible CPUs
  • mdslw_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf: RaspberryPi or similar single-board computers using ARMv7-compatible CPUs
  • mdslw_x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.exe: Windows desktop or laptop using 64-bit x86-compatible CPUs
  • mdslw_aarch64-apple-darwin: Mac using M1, M2, or other Mx CPUs based on Apple silicon, i.e. the new ones after the transition from Intel CPUs
  • mdslw_x86_64-apple-darwin: Mac using 64-bit x86-compatible CPUs, i.e. the old ones after the transition from the PowerPC architecture

Building From Source

First, install rust, including cargo, via rustup. Then, make sure you have git installed, too. Once you have both cargo and git, execute the following commands in a terminal:

git clone
cargo install --locked --path mdslw

That way, you will only get the default suppression list. If you want additional suppression lists such as the ones bundled with the pre-compiled binaries, you also require the tools jq, make, and curl. Once you have them installed, run make -C mdslw build-language-files before running the cargo install command to retrieve the suppression lists. The install command will pick them up automatically.

Editor Integration

Contributions describing integrations with more editors are welcome!


The recommended way of integrating mdslw with neovim is through conform.nvim. Simply install the plugin and modify your init.vim like this to add mdslw as a formatter for the markdown file type:

  formatters_by_ft = {
    markdown = { "mdslw" },
  formatters = {
    mdslw = { prepend_args = { "--stdin-filepath", "$FILENAME" } },

Alternatively, you can also use the vim-like integration shown below.


Add the following to your ~/.vimrc to have your editor auto-format every .md document before writing it out:

function MdFormat()
  if executable("mdslw")
    set lazyredraw
    " Enter and exit insert mode to keep track
    " of the cursor position, useful when undoing.
    execute "normal! ii\<BS>"
    let cursor_pos = getpos(".")
    %!mdslw --stdin-filepath "%"
    if v:shell_error != 0
    call setpos('.', cursor_pos)
    set nolazyredraw

autocmd BufWritePre *.md silent! :call MdFormat()

VS Code

Assuming you have mdslw installed and in your PATH, you can integrate it with VS Code. To do so, install the extension Run on Save and add the following snippet to your settings.json:

  "emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
    "commands": [
        "match": ".*\\.md$",
        "cmd": "mdslw '${file}'"

From now on, every time you save to an existing markdown file, mdslw will auto-format it. This snippet assumes an empty settings.json file. If yours is not empty, you will have to merge it with the existing one.

Tips and Tricks

Non-Breaking Spaces

The following codepoints are recognised as non-breking spaces by default:

  • U+00A0
  • U+2007
  • U+202F
  • U+2060
  • U+FEFF

How to insert a non-breaking space depends on your operating system as well as your editor. The below will cover the non-breaking space U+00A0.


Adding this to your ~/.vimrc or init.vim will let you insert non-breaking spaces when pressing CTRL+s in insert mode and also show them as +:

" Make it easy to insert non-breaking spaces and show them by default.
set list listchars+=nbsp:+
inoremap <C-s> <C-k>NS
" Alternatively, you can use this if your neovim/vim does not support this
" digraph. Note that your browser might not copy the non-breaking space at the
" end of the following line correctly.
inoremap <C-s>  

❗Tips for how to add and show non-breaking spaces in other editors are welcome.

Disabling Auto-Formatting

You can tell mdslw to stop auto-formatting parts of your document. Everything between the HTML comments <!-- mdslw-ignore-start --> and <!-- mdslw-ignore-end --> will not be formatted. For convenience, mdslw also recognises prettier's range ignore directives <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> and <!-- prettier-ignore-end -->.

How to contribute

If you have found a bug and want to fix it, please simply go ahead and fork the repository, fix the bug, and open a pull request to this repository! Bug fixes are always welcome.

In all other cases, please open an issue on GitHub first to discuss the contribution. The feature you would like to introduce might already be in development. Please also take note of the intended scope of mdslw.



If you want to use this piece of software under a different, more permissive open-source licence, please contact me. I am very open to discussing this point.