This repository contains sample Spring Boot application, k8s definitions and scaffold setup.
- How to set up Readiness and liveness probes.
- How to wait for container lifecycle processes to finish.
- How to enable graceful shutdown.
- How to expose metrics.
- How to configure logstash-logback-encoder.
- How to debug application running inside k8s.
- How to use live-reload feature for faster development.
- How to use common kubectl commands and generate k8s definitions.
- How to use Skaffold for local Kubernetes development.
- How to use Cloud Code plugin in IntelliJ.
- Java 11
- Docker
- Kubernetes
Build docker image.
./gradlew bootBuildImage
Apply k8s configurations files from a directory.
kubectl create -f k8s/namespace.yml kubectl apply -f k8s/
Port forward spring-k8s-workshop service.
kubectl port-forward svc/spring-k8s-workshop 8080:8080
Visit http://localhost:8080/hello resource.
Play with kubectl api, see section 'Additional Useful Commands'.
[Optionally] Install and play with k9s tool (
Destroy all spring-k8s-workshop components.
kubectl delete all --all -n spring-k8s-workshop kubectl delete ns spring-k8s-workshop
Run a pipeline in development mode.
skaffold dev --port-forward
*** --port-froward - expose ports.
*** --trigger=manual - disable auto-build (triggered after file change). Allowed values polling, notify, manual.
Visit http://localhost:8080/hello resource.
Make some changes inside HelloController class to see live reload feature.
Stop skaffold dev (
). -
Run skaffold in debug mode.
# Similar to `dev`, but configures the pipeline for debugging. Auto-build and sync is disabled by default to prevent # accidentally tearing down debug sessions. skaffold debug --port-forward
Start Debug session in Intellij Idea and create breakpoint inside HelloController.class
Watch this amazing Google Cloud Tech introduction how to use plugin - Cloud-native development in the IDE with Cloud Code.
Install Cloud Code plugin from
Play again with sample application this time using Cloud Code plugin;)
Create k8s definitions using --dry-run.
# Create secret definition
kubectl create secret generic spring-k8s-workshop-secret --dry-run=client -o=yaml > secret.yaml
# Creating deployment definition
kubectl create deployment deployment_name --image=spring-k8s-workshop:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --dry-run=client -o=yaml > deployment.yaml
# Create Service definition
kubectl create service clusterip spring-k8s-workshop --tcp=8080:8080 --dry-run=client -o=yaml >> service.yaml
# Create config map from yml file
kubectl create configmap --dry-run somename --from-file=./src/main/resources/application-dev.yml -o=yaml
Create Secret.
# Create secret and base64 encode it
echo -n "Secret from k8s" | base64
# Create secret, base64 encode it and add it to your clipboard
echo -n "Secret from k8s" | base64 | pbcopy
- Spring on Kubernetes
- Spring configtree
- Skaffold - Local Kubernetes Development Made Easy
- Skaffold - Github releases
- Google Cloud - Cloud Code
- Cloud-native development in the IDE with Cloud Code
- Best Practices to Spring to Kubernetes Easier and Faster by Ray Tsang
- k9s
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.