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Changelog: 2.x.x Releases

Doreen Seider edited this page Aug 21, 2015 · 1 revision
RCE 2.5.2 (released at 21 June 2013)
  • fixed problem in Excel component: it occurred if the Excel component was run in a distributed scenario

RCE 2.5.1 (released at 10 June 2013)
  • extended Converger component to add support for nested loops
  • added workflow status icons to workflow runtime tab
  • added support for macros to Excel component's export function
  • Excel component exports to clipboard with Excel-like insertion
  • fixed copying a workflow component in the workflow editor (the copied component had the same name as the orgin one)
  • fixed bug with runtime variables, which causes errors under some special circumstances
  • fixed some memory leaks
  • fixed start up validators
  • added validation to the workflow connection editor: it prohibts a connection between an input and more than one output (this would result in scheduling problems)
  • minor fixes

RCE 2.5.0 (released at 5 April 2013)
  • A new component for submitting cluster jobs was added
  • Major rework of the optimizer component
    • Updating a pre 2.5.0 workflow file containing an optimizer component will remove all previous method configuration
  • improved workflow updater
  • improved logging for failing python component
  • improved error handling in optimizer component
  • added data type array to merger component
  • passphrases for runtime configurations are stored in secure storage
  • minor GUI improvement and fixes

RCE 2.4.2 (released at 13 March 2013)
  • added new workflow component "Input Provider": user can define input values for other components, like text, numbers, or files
  • improved workflow editor handling
    • improved support for short cuts
    • fixed minor issues
  • improved logging of workflow status during execution
  • improved workflow execution in batch mode
    • improved performance
    • enabled workflow execution from the command line
  • improved error handling in Simple Wrapper component
  • reworked and extended RCE console commands (e.g., added one for version information)

RCE 2.4.1 (released at 23 January 2013)
  • added boolean channeltype in Python component
  • added mechanism to support wildcard entries in publishedComponents configuration
  • added configuration for rce-tmp folder
  • fixed various bugs in SimpleWrapper component (i.e. regarding the use of input channels in pre/post process)
  • fixed bug in converger
  • minor fixes and improvements

RCE 2.4.0 (released at 17 December 2012)
  • Major rework of the network/communication system; changes include:
    • significant performance improvements
    • simplified setup of ad-hoc networks; in typical use cases, clients only a single line of configuration to connect to a network
    • simplified handling of firewalled systems and subnets
  • reduced supported languages to English to avoid language mixups with third-party software
  • added sample project with example workflows
  • improved validation of Excel component configuration
  • improved error handling in Python component if an unsupported Python installation was chosen
  • improvements in graphical user interface of RCE (zooming behavior, graph plotting in Optimizer and Parametric Study component, etc.)
  • cleaned up graphical user interface on very first start of RCE
  • fixed "Simple Wrapper" execution under Linux when using multi-line command configurations created on Windows
  • fixed handling of multiple arrays in Python component

RCE 2.3.8 (released at 13 November 2012)
  • add updating mechanism for workflow files containing at least one Python component (it is not upwards compatible)
  • fixed bug in Simple Wrapper component (occurred if used as first component within an workflow)
  • fixed bug in Python component regarding array inputs
  • fixed bug in SQL component regarding array inputs

RCE 2.3.7 (released at 7 November 2012)
  • added new concept for sensitive workflow configuration values
  • re-designed Excel workflow component for stability and usability purposes
  • added support for Optimizer component (Dakota) in Linux versions
  • added view for cluster job monitoring
  • fixed bug in configuration GUI of Simple Wrapper component (occured only in Linux versions)
  • fixed bug in input inspection view, which caused the GUI to freeze
  • added sorting in various component listings like workflow execution wizard, connection dialog, input inspection view
  • improved temp file handling in worklfow components to use less memory

RCE 2.3.6 (released at 18 October 2012)
  • added option to create a workflow examples project (new -> other -> RCE)
  • fixed problems and inaccurate problem descriptions in optimizer component
  • fixed some gui issues in optimizer component
  • fixed minor issues

RCE 2.3.5 (released at 13 September 2012)
  • fixed bug that caused an error in running a distributed workflow
  • fixed bug in merger component
  • fixed bug in merger and converger components gui
  • workflow data browser nodes can now be deleted
  • removed context menu entries for sorting of entries in workflow data browser
  • fixed minor issues

RCE 2.3.4 (released at 10 August 2012)
  • added Design of Experiments component (test state)
  • added sorting order for workflow data browser
  • added toggle buttons for workflow data browser
  • added default explaining script in python component
  • added storage for persistent settings
  • textfields for commands in sql and simplewrapper component now resize when view gets resized
  • connection lines now use anti-aliasing
  • fixed minor issues

RCE 2.3.3 (released at 4 July 2012)
  • added Converger component (test state)
  • added Merger component (test state)
  • added support for compression data management
  • added filter for workflow components in connection editor
  • added support for Coliny Cobyla algorithm in optimizer component
  • fixed input queue view showing pending inputs of components (shows input in wrong order if a lot of inputs were sent within a short time)
  • fixed deleting in- and output variables in Excel component
  • fixed minor issues

RCE 2.3.2 (released at 14 June 2012)
  • added support for RCE headless mode: workflow execution without GUI
  • added workspace chooser at RCE start up
  • improved workflow scheduler logic: support of different input usages (required, initial, optional)
  • added compare function for text files in workflow data browser
  • added "Reset search" button for workflow console filter
  • added "Save as ..." to 'File' menu
  • extended start up validators: length of parent file system path, JVM settings
  • fixed copying of workflow nodes: copied workflow node is a real new clone now. Thus, workflow nodes don't receive configuration values of other nodes anymore)
  • fixed minor issues

RCE 2.3.1 (released at 14 May 2012)
  • added support for sorting in workflow data management browser
  • added support for data export to Excel in parametric study component
  • unified configuration tabs in parametric and optimizer runtime graphical user interface
  • restored "goal" option when editing variable in optimizer component configuration
  • fixed start up validator for JSON configuration files
  • fixed minor build infrastructure issues

RCE 2.3.0 (released at 19 April 2012)
  • added optimizer component (currently for Windows only)
    • Black-box optimization with Dakota
    • Currently supported algorithms: Quasi-Newton method, HOPSPACK Asynch Pattern Search, Coliny Evolutionary method (all of them single- and multi-objective)
  • improved "simple wrapper" component
    • added Jython as pre- and post-processing scripting language
    • added support for OS-independent and multiple commands
  • graphical user interface improvements
    • added shortcuts for copy, cut and paste (Crtl+C, Crtl+X, Ctrl+V) in Python editor and text areas
    • made several operations asynchronous to improve responsiveness
    • added zoom to workflow editor
    • added editing of workflow component input values
    • added information about number of component runs in mouse-over of workflow component
    • Python installation path is now reset properly after moving a workflow to another platform
    • added integrated help for components
    • added more user-friendly "properties" tab for parametric study component
    • improved Python component usage
    • added "Profiles" properties tab to enable switching between workflow component properties sets
    • removed verbose log output after update
  • raised timeouts to support long running communication between RCE instances
  • improved the build/release/update process
    • made it possible to provide updates for third-party libraries
    • improved versioning to reduce update size
    • regrouped installable feature sets (for example, component groups)
    • improved p2 metadata generation
    • added support for independent RCE editions

RCE 2.2.5 (released at 8 February 2012)
  • added Simple Wrapper component (0006339, 0007079)
  • fixed Excel component: refresh formula after insertion of data (0007033)
  • fixed Excel component: export to Excel(0007034)
  • fixed list of platforms involved in a workflow: add the controller platform even no component is running there (0006989, 0006932)
  • improved workflow data browser: add "collapse all" icon to (0006762)
  • improved logging in data management catalog backend (0006988)
  • improved logging in communication layer (0006988)
  • improved ComponentInstanceDescriptor with method: getInComponentContextInvolvedPlatforms (0006942)
  • improved workflow editor: add grouping to component list (0007078)
  • improved Pioneer component to serve as a showcase for new GUI features (0006961, 0007029, 0006855)
  • improved SQL command component icon (0007022)

RCE 2.2.4 (released at 4 January 2012)
  • fixed unnecessary undo/redo steps in workflow editor (0006897)
  • fixed performance issues when connecting to multiple servers (0006904, 0006900)
  • fixed crash issue when running distributed workflows (0006895)
  • fixed output channel of Python component firing when it is not assigned in the script (0006921)
  • fixed minor workflow-related UI bugs (0006901, 0006553)
  • fixed issue with transport of workflow information from server to client (0006919)
  • improved logging and debug output (0006898, 0006920, 0006868)
  • custom configurations can now be embedded by the product build (0006939)
  • workflows with invalid components can now be opened in the editor (0006839)
  • improved "cancel" icon (0006929)
  • removed obsolete "edit additional information" feature (0006775)
  • internal fixes and enhancements (0006902, 0006810)

RCE 2.2.3 (released at 7 December 2011)
  • added automatic IP address detection for RCE clients, with fallback option (0006786, 0006843)
  • added support for placeholders and properties in JSON configuration files (0006818)
  • internal fixes and enhancements (0006849, 0006687)

RCE 2.2.2 (released at 15 November 2011)
  • added support for xlsx files in Excel (0006760)
  • added jars related to apache.poi (0006759)
  • added common code base for tool wrappers (0006640)
  • added new RCE event log API (0006396)
  • added test libraries to target platform (0006777)
  • fixed: no dirty flag on changes when opening connection manager with context menu (0006606)
  • improved performance of workflow data browser (0006626)
  • improved performance for displaying input of remote workflows (0006647)
  • improved Excel component user feedback for doubleclick events in runtime-view (0006658)
  • internal changes and fixes (0006774, 0006776, 0006756, 0006662,0006524, 0006676, 0006648)

Changelog of other versions